Page 125 of Gabriel's Salvation

“I'm just teasing you Gabe. It's nice to see you so happy and carefree. I really think Riley is great for you. You too seem so good together,” I gush.

“We are good, at least I think we are,” Gabe says, but I can hear a hint of uncertainty in his words.

Aww he’s nervous. Who is this guy and what's he done with my overly confident brother?

The rest of the day goes by in a blur. We go on ride after ride, we eat far too much, and eventually we all decide it's time to make our way back home. Gabe tried suggesting we stay over at some local hotel, but the girls have to be up early tomorrow as they are planning on going dress shopping for prom.

We make our way back to the car, but this time I decide to drive since Gabe drove most of the way here. Plus it gives them a little alone time to nap in the back seat since poor Riley can barely keep her eyes open.

“Look, I got so many great pictures,” Bella comments from beside me as she flicks through picture after picture of me and her posing, a couple of Riley and Gabe on different rides, or just cutesy candid shots. She’d tried asking Gabe to take a picture earlier in front of one of the rides, but he’d refused saying he doesn't take pictures.

“Look how cute this one is, Rilez,” Bella states as she turns to show her a picture before realizing that both of them are fast asleep in the backseat.

“Ohh,” she remarks out loud before turning the phone towards me instead. “Look how perfect this one is,” she says with a grin. I can’t help but agree. It's a picture of Gabe and Riley standing and waiting in line. Gabe is hugging her from behind and is kissing her neck, while Riley giggles and faces towards the camera.

“I'm going to get that printed for him,” she states matter of factly as she continues to scroll through the rest of the pictures from today.

Chapter Forty-One


“Ithought you weren't drinking today?” Nate says, in a questioning, almost condescending way.

Fuck sake, get off my case will ya. “What?” I say as I retrieve my beer and close the fridge door.

Nate's eyes point to the beer in my hand before he shakes his head.

“Oh, fuck off Nate, it’s one goddamn beer.” I crack it open.

“I know, but you said…” Nate whines, before I cut him off.

“What I said was that I don't drink when I'm driving RILEY around. I said nothing at all about giving up drinking when she's not with me, did I?”

“That's true,” Nate replies with a shrug.

“Plus, I've spent the whole goddamn day on my very best behavior. I didn't lose my shit when your little princess demanded we stop for ice cream. And I didn’t lose my shit when you both refused to come on that huge ride with me. And I didn’t even complain about the fact I had to listen to her fucking terrible singing… I mean come on, cats being strangled don’t sound as bad as she did, but I didn’t fucking say a word. So the least you can do in return is shut the fuck up and let me enjoy a goddamn beer in my own fucking house!” I snap back at my brother.

A guilty look crosses Nate's face. “I guess so,” he mumbles. “Sorry. Thanks again for today.”

“It's fine,” I huff as I take a swig of my beer. Damn, that tastes good! I follow it up with another as I make my way outside, closely followed by Nate.

I sit myself down in my usual spot and Nate sits in his. I try to enjoy a moment of peace since my ears are still ringing from all the noise and chatter today, but I can't enjoy it because I can feel Nate's eyes boring into the side of my head. Surely he's not still sulking over one beer?

I look over at him, but he averts his eyes and looks away. But seconds later, I feel his eyes on me again. “What?” I snap as I whip my head back to look at him.

“No, nothing,” Nate mumbles before looking down at his feet.

“Good,” I reply as I stand up ready to grab another beer.

I pull two beers from the fridge this time, if for no other reason than sheer laziness and the fact I don't wanna spend my night walking back and forth from the kitchen to the backyard.

I sit back down, placing one beer on the grass while I enjoy the other. I hear Nate shuffling in his seat, seeming uneasy. “Seriously Nate, what the fuck is it?”

“Well, I wanted to talk to you about something…So I've been thinking…” Fuck! Let's talk and I've been thinking, two of my least favorite phrases.

I take a large swig of my beer, hoping to prepare myself for whatever he's about to say next. Yet nothing could have prepared me for his next sentence.

“I'm going to ask Bella to marry me!”