Page 120 of Gabriel's Salvation

The next hour or so of the journey is pretty good. The radio is playing some decent tunes, everyone is talking to each other and making plans about which rides we want to hit first, what we're going to eat, and just talking in general, which is actually so nice. Maybe there is hope for us all to be close friends after all; I mean, best friends dating brothers is pretty much the dream right?!

Nate suggests a game of eye spy to pass the time, but it quickly becomes apparent that when you stick these two together, the sibling competitiveness is just as strong with them as it is with me and Harper. Especially when Gabe cheats by choosing M for moving vehicles.

I look over at Izzy who’s being unusually quiet beside me.

“Are you okay?” I mouth.

Izzy shakes her head slowly in response, before making a ‘I feel sick’ gesture.

“Any chance we can pull over at the next gas station? I feel kind of queasy,” I lie. Izzy gives me a grateful half smile before closing her eyes and taking a small breath.

“‘Course,” Nate replies as he begins looking for a way to exit the highway.

“I’ll pull in there,” Nate pipes up when we spot a gas station a few minutes later.

The car is barely parked when Izzy flings the door open and runs away. I quickly follow behind her and find her throwing up just around the back of the building.

“Are you okay?” I ask as I grab hold of her hair.

“Sorry,” Izzy says as she wipes her mouth with the back of her hands. “I sometimes get travel sickness on long journeys. I either have to sit in the front so I can see the road or lie down in the back. I don't think the nerves help either.”

“What's there to be nervous about, you big idiot?” I say with a sympathetic smile.

“It’s going so well; I don't wanna do anything to mess it up,” Izzy admits.

“Leave it with me,” I reply, before walking off towards the store.

I quickly buy a couple of bottles of water and a small bottle of mouthwash for Izzy. I hand the water and mouthwash to her, then together we walk back to the car.

“There you are!” Gabe sighs, as he and Nate lean against the outside of the car waiting.

“Yeah, sorry, I felt a little queasy. I needed to use the bathroom, and then I got us each a drink.”

“You okay, do you have a temperature?” Gabe fusses as his hand reaches out and touches my forehead.

“No, no, I'm fine,” I laugh as I brush his hand away. “I think it's the long drive.”

“You were fine last time,” Gabe points out. Shit, he’s right.

“I know, but cars make me queasy sometimes,” I lie.

I see from the look Nate is giving me and the way he's gently stroking Izzy's back that he knows full well I'm lying but thankfully he doesn't call me out on it.

“I fucking knew I should have brought my bike!” Gabe huffs as he slams his hand down on the roof of the car. Fuck, now I’m the one ruining things, this is like walking on eggshells.

“Dude!” Nate snaps.

“Sorry.” Gabe grumbles. “But your car is making my girl sick.” My girl - swoon! My heart flutters at his words. He’s called me that a few times before but this is the first time he’s called me his girl in front of anyone else. Anyone else we know, at least, and he doesn't seem to even realize he said it.

“Maybe we could switch it up? Either I get in the front with Gabe, or Gabe, you get into the back seat with me.” I suggest.

“I don't mind sitting in the front,” Izzy says at the same time as Nate answers, “Gabe, you get in the back.”

“I’m not sitting in the fucking backseat; it’s too fucking cramped!” Gabe snaps, sounding like a petulant child.

“Well you ain’t fucking driving,” Nate snaps back.

Fuck. This isn't going to end well. I look over at Izzy who gives me a ‘what do we do’ look as the two boys begin arguing over who should and shouldn't drive.