“I’ve been driving longer than you’ve been fucking.”
“But I'm a much safer driver, plus I've not been drinking,” Nate huffs back.
I look over at Izzy who looks like a deer in headlights.
“Neither have I!” Gabe retorts.
Nate gives him a dubious look to which Gabe replies, “Fucking smell my breath if you want, I’ve not had a single drop since last night, not even a beer for breakfast.” Does he usually have a beer for breakfast? Like I know he likes to drink, but does he do it every day when I'm not around?
Gabe’s comment is met by a look of disbelief from his brother, but I can see he’s also kind of intrigued.
“Really?” Nate quizzes. “Not a single drink, not even a beer?”
Gabe replies by opening his mouth and breathing an exaggerated breath right into his brother's face, “See? Totally. Fucking. Sober! Although I really wish I wasn't if I'm expected to put up with your condescending ass all goddamn day,” Gabe snaps before lighting up a cigarette and taking a long drag.
“When did you last drink?” Nate questions, but I can tell from his calmer, inquisitive tone that he’s almost ready to give in.
“Fucking hell, you're worse than the police. I haven't had a single drop since around midnight, before I went to bed,” Gabe says as he throws his hands in the air like he is being questioned by the police.
“How come?” Nate questions as he squints his eyes. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m pleased, but you gotta admit, that's unlike you.”
“Riley made me promise not to drink and drive whenever she rides with me,” Gabe admits as he continues to smoke. Wait, he actually listened? I know he’s been better recently, but I didn't realize he was doing that just for me.
“It's true, Nate,” I whisper as I loop my hand around Gabe’s waist, ready to defend my man. “He’s not driven his bike once after drinking, at least not when I've been with him, not in months.”
“Oh,” comes Nate's genuinely surprised reply.
“Yep, she’ll only agree to ride me if I agree to ride my bike sober,” Gabe jokes as he squeezes my ass.
I roll my eyes in response. I should have known he’d make a joke somehow. “Gabe,” I whine as I swat at his chest.
“What? It's true. First you ride the bike, then you ride the biker, those are the rules!” Gabe says with a mischievous grin.
“Eww, you're disgusting,” Nate replies as he covers his ears.
“Are we fucking leaving or what?” I grumble, holding out my hand. Nate reluctantly hands me the keys and then joins Princess fucking Isabella in the backseat. I can't help but give Riley a smug grin as I make my way to the driver's side.
I reposition my seat and the mirrors ready to drive off, and am just about to turn the key when Nate pipes up telling me, “You have to jiggle the ignition a little.”
“I know.” I've only watched him drive this heap of junk every day for the last six months.
I rev the engine and am about to pull out when again his voice sounds from behind me. “Make sure to check your mirrors.”
“Yes I fucking know Nate,” I huff. Seriously, does he forget I was driving for dad long before I was old enough to have a license?
I pull out and begin driving, and am just feeling my groove when yet again, like the annoying little shit he is, Nate’s face appears between the chairs, “You might wanna switch…”
“Nate, sit the fuck back down, and shut your fucking mouth before I rip the fucking gear stick off and shove it down your goddamn throat!” I remain calm, but say it all through gritted teeth.
I almost burst out laughing as I watch him quietly slither back into his seat.
“You're such a dick,” Riley whispers as she attempts to slap my thigh, but I grab her hand and pull it over, placing it directly on top of my cock before quietly replying, “But you love this dick.”
My words are met with a little tap to the balls, before she pulls her hand away and furrows her eyes in mock annoyance. That's it, keep pretending Firecracker, because I know if I was to brush my hand over your panties, they would give away just how much I know my words affect you.
I look in the rearview mirror and see Isabella and Nate fast asleep. Isabella is curled into Nate's arms as he rests his head lovingly on top of hers and I can’t help but feel a little envious, that it's not me and Riley curled up together instead.