“This is going to be bad for you. Very bad. Nothing I can do about that. But for your silent son here, there may be a sliver of daylight. But if you keep lying, I’ll bury you both. We’ve done that before, haven’t we, Sarah?”
“We enjoy it, Max.”
“It’s kind of a turn-on,” Max said.
“I sometimes tape moments like this,” Sarah said, “and then I use it as foreplay.”
“Feel my nipples, Sarah,” Max said, jutting his chest out toward Sarah. “They’re hard as pebbles.”
“I don’t want to get written up by HR again, Max.”
“Ah, you used to be fun, Sarah.”
“Maybe later, Max. When we throw the cuffs on them.”
Philip Mackenzie pointed at Max, then Sarah. “You guys finished?”
“You crashed the car through the gate,” Max said.
“I mean, you slammed your car through a half-closed gate at full speed.”
Philip grinned, trying to look confident. “Is that supposed to be proof of something?”
“Why did you hit the gas with such enthusiasm?”
“Because a desperate inmate was pointing a gun in my face.”
“Hear that, Sarah?”
“I’m standing right here, Max.”
“Big Phil was scared.”
“Who wouldn’t be?” Mackenzie countered. “The inmate had a gun.”
“Your gun.”
“The one that your secretary says you never wear and never keep loaded.”
“She’s wrong. I keep it holstered under my jacket, so people don’t see.”
“So discreet,” Sarah said.
“Yet,” Max continued, “Burroughs managed not only to see it, but to pull it free and threaten you both with it.”
“He caught us off guard,” Philip said.
“You sound incompetent.”
“I made a mistake. I let the inmate get too close.”
Max smiled at Sarah. Sarah shrugged.
“You also keep calling him inmate,” Max said.