“That’s what he is.”
“Yeah, but you know him, right? He’s David to you, no? You and his father are old buddies. Your son here—the so-far-silent Adam—grew up with him, am I right?”
A flash of surprise hit the warden’s face, but he recovered fast. “That’s true,” Mackenzie said, standing up a little straighter. “I’m not denying it.”
“So cooperative,” Sarah said.
“Isn’t he though?”
“And that’s why—” Philip began.
“Wait, don’t tell me. That’s why Burroughs was able to get close enough to get a gun your secretary swears you never wear—”
“Or load,” Sarah added.
“Or load. Thanks, Sarah. Yet somehow Burroughs was still able to reach into your jacket, unsnap your holster, and pull the loaded gun free while the two of you stood and did nothing. That pretty much it, Warden?”
Adam spoke for the first time. “That’s exactly what happened.”
“Whoa, it speaks, Sarah.”
“Maybe he shouldn’t, Max.”
“Agree. Let me ask you another question, Warden, if you don’t mind. Why did you visit David Burroughs’s father yesterday?”
Philip Mackenzie looked stunned.
“Sarah, do you want to fill the warden in?”
“Sure, Max.” She turned toward Philip. “You took the eight-fifteen flight on American Eagle to Boston yesterday morning. Flight three-oh-two, in case you’re interested.”
“I can see the gears a-whirring in his head, Sarah.”
“Can you, Max?”
Max nodded. “He’s wondering: Should I admit I visited my old buddy Lenny Burroughs—or should I claim I was in Boston for another reason? He wants to do the latter, of course, but the problem is—and you know this, Warden—if you lie about it, you have to wonder if Sarah here will be able to track down the Uber or taxi you took from Logan to the Burroughses’ house in Revere.”
“Or vice versa, Max,” Sarah added.
“Right, Sarah, or vice versa. The taxi you took back to the airport. And before you answer, let me just warn you: Sarah is damn good.”
“Thanks, Max.”
“No, Sarah, I mean it. You’re the best.”
“You’re making me blush, Max.”
“It looks good on you, Sarah.” Max shrugged his shoulders and turned toward the Mackenzies. “It’s a tough choice, Warden. I don’t know what I’d do.”
Philip cleared his throat. “I was in Boston visiting a sick friend. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
Max took out his wallet and smiled. “Dang, Sarah, you were right.”
She put out her palm. “Five bucks.”
“I only have a ten.”