Callen laughs, still cupping his balls through his slacks. “Prison for a dirty agent is worse than hell.”
“That’s your business,” I say with a shrug. I look at Ravi for, what I promise, will be the last time. It ends here. It stops now. Yes, I was afraid, there’s no shame in that. I know fear because I have a lot to live for—I have a lot to be proud of. “You may not deserve my mercy, but I deserve to keep my hands clean. I won’t change because of you.”
I nod my head, confident in my resolve as I toss Linc’s gun to the ground.
I jump as everyone else freezes as the bullet lodges into the wall. Grimacing, I wince when I feel the agony of my injured cheek. Holding my face, I mumble, “I’m sorry.”
Linc presses his lips together and tries to find a safe place to kiss me. Come to think of it, even my eyes are throbbing. I’m so glad I don’t have a mirror right now. I don’t want to see whatever is making his face pull in pity like that. He settles for lightly kissing the top of my head as he gently pulls me into his body and rubs my aching back.
“Oh, Bambi,” he murmurs as I breathe in his familiar scent, feeling like I’m home. “You’re not getting a gun, but you’re definitely getting a run down on gun safety.”
“I love you too, by the way,” I mumble. “I really do.”
“Yeah? Not too soon for me to say it?”
“Mmm,” I mumble into his chest, not even caring that we have an audience. I’m so cozy and safe now. I did it. I survived. I more than survived. I overcame. “I’ve nearly been killed twice in one week…so in my mind, you’re actually a little late in saying it.”
He chuckles. “I love you, Eden. I never thought I’d say that to anyone, but I love you. Now, I want to take you home and take care of you, but I think we should go to the hospital.”
“Okay,” I agree. I feel a sharp pain with every breath I take in. I most definitely have a cracked rib. At this point, there are too many broken pieces. A doctor is necessary and I’ll probably need something stronger than Motrin when the pain really begins to register. But first…
“I’m starving. I need to eat something before going to the emergency room. I just know the bastards will admit me and then put me on a liquid diet.”
“Can you even chew?” Linc asks, worry lines painting his expression as he examines my injured face.
“Oh, believe me, I’ll make it work,” I say, trying to keep a straight face.
He laughs and looks over my shoulder to Callen and Vesper. “Can you believe this woman? Chirpy as usual.” He returns his gaze to me. “You’re so fucking brave, Eden. You blow me away—everything is going to be okay.”
Little does he know, in his arms like this, everything is already okay.
Callen steps on Ravi’s shoulder before cuffing her, clearly holding a grudge about her assault on his manhood. “I’ll make some calls to pick up the trash, then we can get out of here.”
“Harmon was under duress. In the end, he did try to save me,” I say to Callen, a little relieved my rage has calmed and my more empathetic attitude has returned.
“Did he help do this?” Linc asks, his eyes narrowing at the sleeping heap on the floor.
I grab his chin and pull his eyes to mine. “I don’t want your vengeance.” I widen my eyes. “I want you to feed me. Now.”
“What do you want to eat, Bambi? We’ll all go,” he says, with Vesper and Callen nodding over his shoulder.
I slump in Linc’s arms, letting him support my weight. I’m bold with my request because looking this pitiful, there’s no way he could turn me down.
I smile at him innocently. “Waffles—”
“Ah, fuck.”
“Eggs, bacon, pancakes…basically anything a diner serves for breakfast.”
Linc scoops me up in his arms with ease, holding me so carefully, like I’m his precious treasure. I snuggle into his arms as we leave my office with my new friends…no, family, in tow.
“Come on, Bambi,” Linc says. “Breakfast doesn’t sound too bad.”