I open my eyelids reluctantly as the sun peeks through the cracks of the blinds. Reaching over to the other side of the bed, I search for Eden’s soft, warm tit to squeeze, but instead, all I feel is a hairy round belly.
“Dammit, Mouse,” I grumble.
This dog ignores the fact that he’s not even allowed on the bed and finds every opportunity to tuck himself in the sheets. Eden says she doesn’t allow him on the furniture when I’m away, but seeing as Mouse likes to spoon, I’m going to call bullshit.
“Bad dog. Down,” I growl at him, pushing against his back, but he only pushes back. He’s exceptionally strong for only six months old and is not intimidated by me in the slightest. He only listens to his mother. I ask the one thing that can coax him out of my bed. “You want food?”
He leaps up in a hurry and barrels off the bed, taking the comforter with him, and leaving me exposed. “Mouse!”
I thought a protection dog would make Eden feel safe after the ordeal she went through three months ago. So, I bought her a Malinois. There’s no dog that’s more loyal, smart, and brave, not to mention Eden is already very familiar with the breed.
I was expecting obedience and poise from such a revered pedigree, but for some reason what I got was a rebellious, clumsy goof of a puppy that Eden loves with her whole heart. We were going to name the pup Minnie, in honor of her childhood dog, Mickey. I requested a female, but the minute he was delivered, he rolled on his back for belly scratches and it was clear he had different equipment than we were expecting. I wanted to return him because I felt a female was a better companion for Eden, but he strategically curled up in her arms so fast. Eden gave me the look of death, daring me to try and take him away.
Therefore, we settled on Mouse.
Dragging myself out of bed, I find Eden’s note on the kitchen island tucked under a traveler’s mug of coffee. I blink away my irritation. It’s been months since the whole ordeal in California, but Eden gone in the morning with just a note left behind, is still triggering for me…
PALADIN stuff was delivered.
I’ll be at the compound all day if you want to help. Don’t feed Mouse. He’s already eaten twice this morning.
I love you.
Mouse nudges me, wagging his tail in anticipation.
“Sorry, man, spoke too soon,” I say and bend down to pat his head. His tongue lolls out of his mouth as he cocks his head to the side. “Your mom told on you, you’ll have to wait for dinner.” Pulling his tongue back into his mouth, he looks at me with what can only be interpreted as a dog pout.
I take a big gulp of the coffee that is still warm. Eden must’ve left not too long ago. The last thing I want to do is spend today at the PALADIN compound. Vesper and I just got back last night. Interestingly enough, now that we’re no longer working for the FBI, our workload has tripled. Vesper told me on the way home yesterday that it’s time to recruit.
We have an empty compound…
It’s time to fill it.
Looking at Mouse’s sad eyes, I offer his next favorite activity, second only to eating. “Want to go for a ride?”
* * *
Entering the compound with Mouse trailing me, I see that I’m late. Lance and Cricket are holding paintbrushes, dripping black paint over their ridiculous denim overalls. They are standing too close, and I’m really starting to doubt the siblingship that I, for so long, thought they shared. Not to mention, I’m almost certain I caught them kissing at the compound a few months ago, but after finding my girlfriend in perilous danger, the thought slipped my mind for a few weeks. When I finally asked if they were fucking, of course they denied it. But would anyone be surprised if killers were also liars?
“Why doesn’t it smell in here?” They are painting underground where there are no windows. It should reek of fumes.
“Because your girl is a genius,” Lance says, pointing to each corner of the main entry where tall ventilators are positioned. They are quiet but clearly powerful. “Want to do the honors?” Lance nods at the FBI emblem that was painted on the back wall.
I let out a short laugh. “All yours.”
Lance eagerly drags his black paintbrush across the blue and gold seal. “That’s better, much better.”
“Hey, Mousey,” Cricket coos and Mouse trots eagerly to her side, sitting patiently while she rubs his giant ears. “Down,” she commands and he lays immediately. “Show me your tummy, love.” He rolls on his back, his four paws in the air. Mouse wriggles with glee as Cricket gives him belly scratches.
“Does he listen to you?” I ask Lance, with a scowl on my face. Mouse spends most of his time at the PALADIN compound. There’s a dog bed in almost every office for him.
“Fuck no. I’m pretty sure he flipped me off with his tail the other day. Vesper can get him to do tricks though.”