Hovering in the hallway, she watched as he knocked on the door to the half-bath. “Time’s up, Jesse. Come take your medicine like a big girl.”
“It’s not medicine, Daddy, it’s a spanking. And, uh, I’m still going potty.”
Edie coughed to cover the laugh bubbling in her chest. But she must not have done a very good job, judging by the glare Grant sent her way before he turned back to the door.
It had been a long time since a man had given her butterflies. But every time Grant looked at her that way, like he was tempted to put her over his knee instead of Jesse, her stomach went wild with nerves.
Just her luck he belonged to someone else.
“That’s your choice, little outlaw. But you have five seconds to get out here before I start adding one minute with the stingy lube in your naughty bottom for every second you keep us waiting.”
A shocked squeak came through the door and two seconds later it swung open, revealing a very disgruntled looking Little girl. “That was a mean trick, Daddy!”
“It wasn’t a trick. It was a promise. Now march your butt back into the living room and ask Edie to spank you.”
Again, she had that almost nauseating mix of pleasure and worry dancing in her stomach at his words. This was either the best idea any of them had ever had or the worst, and there was really no way to tell until they’d gone through with it.
As a group, they headed back to the living room, where Jesse stood beside the couch. When Edie didn’t move closer, Jesse flicked a nervous glance at her Daddy, then sighed and clasped her hands in front of her. “Edie, will you please spank me for not telling Daddy where I was going and turning off my phone so he couldn’t find me?”
Oh, man. That simple plea was enough to shove any doubts she had about this whole thing right out of her mind. “Of course I’ll spank you, naughty girl.”
Red stained Jesse’s cheeks as Edie sat on the couch and reached for the button on her pants, then jerked her hand back at the last second and looked up at Grant. If Jesse was still hers, she’d know exactly how she wanted to proceed. But she wasn’t, and although Edie hated feeling like she needed permission, she asked for it anyway. “Should I…?”
“Yes. Naughty babygirls don’t get to bare themselves for a spanking.”
Fucking hell. That shouldn’t be hot. It shouldn’t. But a familiar ache was making itself known between Edie’s thighs as she once more reached for Jesse’s jeans, this time with slightly trembling fingers.
She managed to get the button popped and the zipper down, but she hesitated as she began pulling the dark denim over Jesse’s slim hips. Her girl had filled out some since she was nineteen, and Edie’s breath caught in her throat at the sight of those soft, creamy curves.
Apparently, she hesitated too long. Because suddenly there were hands on hers, larger, firmer hands, guiding her to pull Jesse’s pants to her knees.
“Panties, too,” Grant murmured, making her shiver as his breath brushed over the shell of her ear.
“Yes, Sir.” The reply was automatic, almost instinctual, but it felt so right she couldn’t regret saying it. Especially when she heard Grant’s sharp intake of breath.
“Good girl,” he growled in her ear, and fuck if her panties weren’t soaked.
There were so many ways this could, and probably would, blow up in their faces. But she was in too deep by then to care.
Jesse, she realized when she glanced up, was watching them. Raptly. Eyes wide, pupils blown, she was obviously having a very similar reaction as Edie to the scene that was playing out between the three of them.
“Are you ready for your spanking, Little girl?” Edie asked.
Pink blossomed on Jesse’s cheeks, exactly the way Edie remembered it. “Yes, Ma’am.”
“Come here, then.” Taking her by the hand, Edie guided her over her lap, with Jesse’s torso and legs stretched out on the cushions on either side of her. Given their height difference, over the knee spankings had always been a bit awkward, but the depth and length of the couch gave them more than enough room.
Edie ran her hand over the smooth skin of Jesse’s bare backside, as much to warm it up a bit before she began spanking as to indulge her own need to savor the moment. She’d fought this, tooth and nail, but now that she was here she was damn well going to appreciate the moment.
“I won’t ask if you know why you’re being spanked, Little girl, because clearly you do. So I will just remind you that worrying the people you love for no reason is not acceptable behavior, and hopefully by the time your Daddy and I are through with you, this will be a lesson that won’t need to be repeated.”
Chapter 16
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