Page 43 of Their Forever Daddy

Watching someone else spank his babygirl had never been high on Grant’s list of things he enjoyed. He allowed it to happen on occasion, especially at parties, mostly because Jesse enjoyed playing the brat with anyone and everyone who consented to engage with her. But he’d never actually enjoyed watching anyone else spank her.

Until now.

Maybe it was the girls’ shared history. Maybe it was the fact he knew this was something they both desperately needed.

Or maybe it was just the fact that Edie was absolutely fucking gorgeous when she was in Domme mode.

He’d already thought she was beautiful before now. But there was a shift in her, so subtle he would have missed it completely if he hadn’t been watching her so closely when she took Jesse over her knee. And that little shift was all it took for her to go from pretty to absolutely breathtaking.

Whatever the reason, he couldn’t have taken his eyes off them if he’d wanted to as Edie started spanking. The look of determination on Edie’s face. The sight of Jesse’s bottom turning pink beneath her hand. The sound of Jesse’s yelps and whimpers. All of it was part of a fascinating whole, and he felt as though he could watch this dance over and over and never tire of it.

And when Edie shifted her focus to Jesse’s sensitive sit-spots, making his babygirl howl and kick her feet, he had to adjust his cock to alleviate the building pressure. He wanted nothing more than to take it out and stroke himself to release as he watched, but that felt… disrespectful.

“Ow, ow, Edie, I’m sorry!” Jesse wailed.

Amusement had him fighting back a smile. While he had no doubt his Little girl genuinely felt bad about what she’d done, she wasn’t quite to the ‘true remorse’ stage of the spanking. She was still in fight or flight mode, where she was willing to do or say whatever it took to get the punishment to end.

Whether Edie knew that or not, she didn’t even pause. Her hand rose and fell at the same pace, cracking loudly against Jesse’s now bright pink skin. “You’re going to be very sorry by the time I’m through with you, Little girl.”

Grant gritted his teeth against a groan. Holy fuck that was hot.

“I am sorry, Edie, I am, I swear! Please, it hurts so much!”

“Does it?” Edie’s voice took on a hard edge. “Do you think it hurts more than what your Daddy felt when he woke up and found you gone with no way to contact you and make sure you were okay? Do you think it hurts more than the worry he felt for three whole days while he searched the entire country for you?”

Damn. If he hadn’t been the one who’d spent those three days out of his mind with worry, he might actually feel sorry for his babygirl.

“I’m s-sorry.” The words came out choked with tears he hadn’t expected to hear so soon. “Edie, I’m sorry.”

To his surprise, Edie laid down one final swat, then stroked her hand over the bright pink skin of Jesse’s bottom. “I believe you, babygirl.”

He watched as Jesse scrambled up and launched herself into Edie’s arms. And for the first time since they’d started this, he felt like an intruder. There was something so intimate about the way Edie was cradling his Little girl, the way she was murmuring words of comfort he couldn’t hear. Even though it was technically his punishment being handed down, this was a moment just between the two of them, and he should give them some space.

So with a quick prayer that the creaky old boards beneath his feet wouldn’t give him away, he stepped into the shadows of the hallway and gave them the privacy the moment deserved.


* * *

There was a storm inside her. A confusing jumble of emotions she couldn’t seem to make heads or tails of. Which was why she’d stopped a bit sooner than she’d actually meant to. She’d thought she could keep her emotions about Jesse leaving separate from the punishment she deserved for worrying Grant, but as she’d spanked, everything had started to blur together. Leaving her feeling way too raw and emotional to continue the punishment.

But now she had a babygirl on her lap who desperately needed some cuddles before she moved onto the next part of her punishment, so she pushed her own emotions aside to focus on Jesse.

“Shh, baby. It’s okay.”

“I’m s-so sorry, I really am.” Still sobbing hard enough to shake her entire body, Jesse pressed herself closer. “I knew it w-was wrong when I left. I n-n-never?—”

Was she just talking about leaving her Daddy behind to come to Lost River? Or had the lines started to blur for her, as well?

“I know, baby. You’re a good girl, you just made some big mistakes.”

Pulling away, Jesse sniffled and wiped at her eyes. “You still think I’m a good girl? For really real?”

Fuck, she’d forgotten how absolutely adorable Jesse was after a punishment. Letting her lips curve up in a reassuring smile, Edie ran a hand through her babygirl’s short tresses, soothing them both with that simple, familiar gesture. “Yes, baby. For really real.”

Jesse’s face seemed to light up from within. “Thank you. That means… it means everything, Edie.”

She was so beautiful. Even with her eyes all red and puffy, the little bit of makeup she was wearing smeared with tears, she was still the most stunning woman Edie had ever met. Nobody, in real life or on screen, had ever held a candle to Jesse Walker.