Page 53 of Fated Angel

Together, they attack the Grigori, determined to finish this.

Except no matter the ground they gain they can’t seem to touch the enemy angels. Their white gowns stay white, their gleaming white teeth bared in their terrible smiles.

“Why can’t we hit them?” Colt roars.

“I don’t know, but I’m not stopping until they’re dead or I am!”

All around them the battle wages on, angel against angel, witches casting spells, and all manner of creatures both human, demon, and shifter banded together to try and stop their own extermination.

Meanwhile, the battle that will stop all of this seems futile.

“We have to figure out how to hit them!” Colt shouts.

“Not if I set the entire world around them on fire.” Gabby curses loudly, holding the Spear above her head with both hands as she utters an angelic spell.

The ground beneath their feet blossoms in flame, giving Colt only a split second to take flight and avoid getting burned himself.

“You like shields? Get out of this one!” Gabby spins in a circle, creating a tornado of flame that engulfs her and pulls the Grigori into the wind tunnel one by one. “Die! Die, you betrayers of life!”

Colt thrusts his hands together, wrist to wrist, and shoots a beam of hellfire at Gabby’s flame tornado. The green flames mix with the angelic gold, both fires fighting for dominance but working together as they spin and burn everything in their path.

The Grigori are no longer laughing. “We will not fall to a half-breed angel and a turncoat demon!” they roar.

“No, you will not fall to that! You will fall under the power of Heaven and Hell combined! You will fall because I will kill you!” Gabby declares.

The Grigori are silent after that, the only sounds to be heard are the crackling flames and the screams and shouting of fighting all around them.

“Are they dead?” Colt asks, hovering just above and behind Gabby.

Together, they let their fires die. As the smoke and wind settle around them, there’s nothing but charred Earth. There’s no sign of the Grigori, no sign that they were ever there or if they died.

“What…” Gabby whispers, her voice hushed with disbelief.

Have they won?

Above them, the sky flashes bright white and stays that way. The glaring heavenly light turns the night to day, illuminating everything around them as if they’ve stepped through the pearly gates and entered heaven itself.

“Humanity was a mistake, God’s creation is a failure. Give us the Spear so the Grigori will right the egregious wrong here and now! All who oppose our great power will die!”

Colt grabs Gabby from behind as fast as he can. He wraps her in his wings and crushes her to the ground, shielding her from the Grigori as their blast from above comes raining down.

The screaming escalates around them, the battle pauses as friend and foe look up at their demise.



Gabby’s determination to fight or die is screaming to be unleashed as the world turns a brilliant, ashen white.

Brilliant, ashen white…and still.

Everything is frozen in time, angels and demons, cult members and knights. Every soul stands locked in place, weapons half-raised and faces twisted with their own drive to win.

Seven voices carry through the shocking silence. “Give us the Spear.”

Gabby and Colt slowly push to their feet, the only movement in this frozen landscape. The only hearts beating as time waits to see who will claim victory.

The Grigori appear, one by one, once more circling them. Their pure white is as alabaster as the rest of the world. As untouched as the moment they arrived on Earth, determined to end it.