They both, angel and demon united, save the rest of the students and Maya and safely get them to the cottage. They stand hand in hand as they watch their friends and classmates flee the battle.
Gabby squeezes Colt’s hand as she pulls the Spear out of her bag and stands it upright between them. “It’s time to face the Grigori.”
“Let’s get this over with.” Colt cups her face with his free hand, eyes searching every inch of her face. He wants to memorize her at this moment, darkened by soot but the glowing angel he fell in love with despite everything shining through.
“We have waited long enough!” The booming voice of the Grigori speaking as one has Gabby and Colt covering their ears.
Once their overwhelming sound wanes, Colt straightens and watches them land around him and Gabby in a perfect circle.
“Hand the Spear of Destiny over!” they roar, stepping forward as one and steadily closing the circle.
“Together?” Colt asks, pressing his back to Gabby’s and letting his wings stroke in what may be their last embrace.
“Together,” she agrees, spinning the Spear in her hands with a flourish.
Colt and Gabby lunge at the same time. Gabby swings the Spear low, attempting to take out the feet of the Grigori directly in front of her, but it hits only the angel’s robe.
Cole roars, jumping and attacking from above. He weaponizes his wings, spinning so fast that each feather is more like a sharpened dagger as he dives into the shrinking line of Grigori. Colt feels the blow hit, but doesn’t feel the sensation of flesh rending from bone or the warm splash of angelic blood on his skin. He’s stopped mid-flight as if he’s collided with them, but the Grigori only laugh.
“Did you think we would not be prepared?” they say, their hands extended and palms facing Colt and Gabby.
Colt reaches out and his hand lands on a cold, invisible surface that seems to be bubbling around both of them. “They shielded!” Colt roars, warning Gabby.
“I’ve broken their shields before,” Gabby says with determination.
Colt backs away from the Grigori until he feels Gabby’s back against his as well.
Gabby takes the Spear in both hands and jams the pommel into the ground. The moment the Spear connects with the earth, heavenly fire spirals from the bottom and blasts out of the obsidian at the top. The beam of fire hits the shield above them, splattering like lava as it falls all around them.
The Grigori are laughing as they close in, unconcerned.
“Is it working?” Colt cries out as he takes a fighting stance. If the Grigori want the Spear, they will have to go through him to get it, and to do that, they’ll have to drop the shield.
“Almost!” Gabby grunts, the amount of power she’s channeling obvious in her tone.
“Gabby, no!” Gabriel cries from above. The archangel dives, his white wings stained red with blood. He barrels into the Grigori, knocking a few over and thrashing them into the ground. He turns, hands extended, and blasts the shield with his own angelic fire.
“Dad!” Gabby cries, her voice breaking as if she thought he wouldn’t come.
“I’m here, daughter. Direct your flames here!”
Colt moves with Gabby, protecting her back as she turns to face her father. He can feel her energy shift when they lock eyes, and when she angles the Spear toward her father, the immense power of them working together nearly knocks Colt off his feet.
“It’s working!” Gabby cries.
“Do not let up!” Gabriel roars. “Focus on me, eyes only on me, daughter!”
“They’re recovering!” Colt cries, spinning around Gabby and materializing his swords in his hands. Behind Gabriel, the Grigori he had taken out are rising. Colt watches as the dual flames from father and daughter finally shatter the shield and he lunges forward as shards of what looks like glass fall all around him.
“Be gone, foolish angel. You will not succeed!” the Grigori shout. They turn toward Gabriel and their jaws seem to come unhinged as they roar a cry in unison.
Gabriel’s eyes grow wide a millisecond before the soundwave from the Grigori hits him and flings him into the air.
Colt can hear Gabby screaming as her father is flung into the sky and beyond. “He’ll be alright, Gabby, he’s an archangel.”
“He’s my dad!” Gabby cries.
Colt sees her for a split second before her entire body is engulfed in heavenly flame. The Spear becomes an extension of her arm, an unbreakable flaming weapon that she swings with intent to kill. Taking her cue, Colt summons his hellfire and steps up beside her.