Gabby unleashed everything she had. So did Colt.
And it did nothing.
Yet it’s unspoken they won’t give into the Grigori’s demands.
Their only option is to finish this.
Silently, Gabby and Colt rise into the air, pearl and onyx wings beating the white sky. Angel and demon.
The only beings standing between the Grigori and destruction.
A circle of white around them flares brighter than the rest of the colorless, still world.
The Grigori are ready.
Gabby tastes adrenaline on her tongue, the anticipation and fear mixing to create a bitter tang. She’s a tumultuous blend of determination, fierce love for the demon standing beside her without hesitation, and an overwhelming sense of responsibility.
Everything has been powering toward this moment. Fate and destiny are about to be forged.
Tomorrow is about to be decided.
The Grigori wait in their circle, white and ominous, their eyes burning with determination. They demand the Spear of Destiny once more, their voices echoing through the still air.
But the decision hasn’t changed. Gabby will not give in to their demands. She knows that if she gives them what they want, everything will start all over again—the wars, the suffering, and the death.
No. She won’t let that happen.
She turns to face them fully, her voice ringing out with determination. “I will never hand over the Spear of Destiny to you.”
The Grigori growl in response and Gabby braces herself for their attack.
The first one lunges, his sword raised high above his head. But Gabby’s fast, she dodges out of the way and counters with a swift kick to his chest. He stumbles back and quickly regains his balance, attacking once more with renewed fury. He swings his sword at Gabby’s head but she ducks under it and delivers a powerful punch to his gut.
Behind her, Colt is locked in fierce combat with another Grigori. Their swords clash violently as they try to overpower each other. Even in this chaotic fight, Gabby can feel Colt’s love for her radiating from him like a fierce force. She uses that love as fuel for her own strength and fights on with renewed vigor.
A primal fire ignites within her as she grasps the Spear with unwavering determination. With a guttural roar, she unleashes a searing wave of power that engulfs everything in its path. The Grigori, caught off guard by the sudden surge of raw energy, stumble back in shock as the spell holding the world frozen shatters.
The sound of battle echoes once again—cries and clashes and clatters. Gabby registers her father rising into the sky, once more determined to help her. Her eyes narrow on him, her heart pounding with purpose. She knows what she must do. In a moment of crystal-clear clarity amidst the chaotic fray, she sends him a single, urgent message.
Get everyone out.
He hovers for a split-second, then shoots back down. Letting out a breath, Gabby turns back to the Grigori. The weight of responsibility for her loved ones weighs heavily on her as she continues to unleash a relentless onslaught against the enemy, fueled by a ferocious determination to protect those she holds dear.
But if her father and the angels can get everyone to safety, then the collateral damage of whatever’s about to be unleashed here will be minimized.
The Grigori move in unison, their movements graceful yet deadly as they weave an intricate spell. Gabby braces herself, ready to defend and attack, but it’s Colt who drops to his knees. Their magic crackles and hums through the air, filling the space with an otherworldly energy. With each precise gesture, their power grows stronger, rendering Colt helpless under their spell.
“No!” Gabby cries.
The Grigori have realized her weakness. Colt. And they’re going for the jugular.
With a determined sprint, Gabby charges toward Colt. But before she can even reach out to touch him, she is struck down by a powerful wave of white energy. The force knocks her off her feet and sends her crashing to the ground, her body convulsing in pain as her vision blurs with tears.
The Grigori, their movements in perfect unison, become a seething mass of limbs and bodies as they unleash their formidable powers upon Colt. Their combined strength is palpable, radiating through the air like a blazing inferno. With each attack, Colt writhes in agony, as if he’s being torn apart from every angle, his body unable to keep up with the overwhelming force. At first he only grunts, but the sounds quickly morph to cries.
Then screams.