I was very serious. “Yes, mom.” I even hugged and kissed her cheek before walking away. “See you tomorrow.” There was no way on this planet I was staying with her and her sisters. No way, no sir. That was a recipe for disaster and I had to think about myself first in this instance.
Dre and I picked up some pasta before he dropped me off. Before I made it to my door Landon was calling and asking if he could pick me up in the morning. Feeling good and hopeful after talking to my dad I agreed and hoped I wouldn’t regret it.
“I don’t like seeing you like this, baby. Look at your eyes. They're all puffy and red. Can you even see me?” I know he was serious but I couldn’t help but laugh.
My apartment hasn’t been lived in since I left but you’d never know thanks to Dre and Cassian making sure a cleaning crew came out twice a month. I had all my bills on autopay so everything turned on without a problem. My cleaning lady deserved a hefty bonus. Smelling the honey blossom sent from my plugins, seeing my bed with fresh sheets. I couldn’t wait to bathe today off of me.
“Yes, silly. I can see your fine self with no problem.” I’d just kicked off my shoes and was ready to sit and eat when my doorbell ranged.
Please don’t be my mom.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she called herself coming over to spend the night. She’d do something like that. Invade my space if I wasn’t in hers. There was a time when I loved having sleepovers with my mom. Loved being up under her but now… not so much.
Again, misplaced anger and a lot of uprooting trauma left me confused and pointing the blame at everyone and anyone.
“Who’s at your house this late?” He sat up in bed looking behind me like he could see who was behind the door.
“I don’t know. We’re about to find out.” Looking through the peephole, I jumped back gasping. “Hold on one sec.” Why was he here? Opening my door a crack, I poked my head out and looked at the last person I thought I’d ever see again. “Why are you here, Theo?”
What in the world was happening?
“Can I come in?” His baritone snapped me out of my fog.
“Uh, sure.” I stepped back allowing him space to come in.
It’s crazy how I used to fawn over this man. What wasn’t there to like when it came to Theo? He was tall, dark, and handsome with a good job and loved the Lord. Sounded too good to be true and in a sense it was. It was the same thing that attracted me to Elgin. Last time I saw his handsome face was right before we came to Florida and I mentioned having to leave because it wasn’t safe for me to be in New York. Blame it on my love for a good romance novel and movies but I expected him to swoop in and save me.
Open his home to me and tell me that I didn’t have to leave because he would protect me.
Ha, jokes on me.
That night he wished me well and told me he’d keep me in his prayers. Then he stopped answering my calls. Then when he did answer he broke up with me, though we weren’t official, and said that I wasn’t ready for a man like him. I had way too much growing and maturing to do and when I accomplished that I was to call him and see if he was available.
The audacity.
“Andrea told me what happened to your dad. She said he was still in the hospital but doing better.” He came over in a pair of gray sweats, a black t-shirt, and Nikes. The most relaxed look I’ve ever seen him wear but also the male's version of a slutty outfit.
Scratching my forehead, I know I looked confused because it wasn’t mathing for me. “Okay, but you could’ve called or texted me. Why are you here? I haven’t talked to you in over a year, Theo.” Remembering Quincey, I checked my phone to see that I’d hung up.
That’s just great.
He tossed his hands up, stepping closer in my personal space. “And who’s fault is that?”
“Excuse me?” I squeaked.
Somebody had to put a curse on me. Had to because ain’t no way in the world did his jolly green giant ass just say that to me.
Was this karma for staying home and not going with my mama?
“I’ve been reaching out, London.” His exhausted exhale made my jaw drop. “Emails, texts, calls. You won’t talk to me.”
And I had every good reason not to.
“We have nothing to talk about. We were never friends, just two strangers trying to make something that wouldn’t work, work.” Hands on my hips I stood there and defended myself because ain’t no way this sucker was about to gaslight me after the bullshit he pulled back then.
“Wow.” He rubbed his chin. “That’s all we were to each other, huh?”