Page 35 of Lost In London

Standing up, I kept my hands in my pockets as I invaded her space. Waiting for her eyes to drift up from my chest to my eyes, I let this moment simmer. Her thick black lashes brushed across her cheeks with each blink. Moving on their own accord, my hand lifted and a knuckle danced over her smooth skin. I held my breath expecting her to pull back from me but she did the opposite by leaning into me with closed eyes and contentment expelling from the exhale she released.

“You’re so damn beautiful.” Leaning in and giving my body free will to do whatever it wanted, my lips landed on her forehead in a soft, tender kiss. Her shuddering breath and fingertips feathering over my wrist made me groan and step back before I did too much more than I already did. “Forgive me for touching you without asking first but I needed to. I had to. I’m still in shock and disbelief that you’re here right now and haven’t left. Blame it on physical touch being my main language of love.”

Licking her lips, she smiled before peeling her eyes open. “I don’t mind.”

Her fingers were still touching my wrist and I didn’t mind one bit. “Don’t start anything that you aren’t ready for.” I was more than ready for London but I knew she wasn’t ready for me.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means don’t start flirting and showing interest as a game to pass time. Once you give me that green light that you’re equally interested in me.” I stepped back, further disconnecting our hands. Her eyes followed and I swear I almost scooped her up in my arms and carried her off into the sunset to erase the quick sense of loss that breezed across her face. “I play for keeps, Ms. London and I’m very intentional when it comes to getting what I want.”

Watching her change of breathing, the rise and fall of her chest, and how she sometimes became unbalanced when I said certain things that frazzled her became a favorite thing to watch. That’s how I knew London was full of shit when it came to her relationship with Olena.

“I’ll see you at the library.” One day she was going to stop running from me and running towards me but for now, I’ll be patient.

Before she could make it out my classroom door, I stopped her. “I like a challenge, London. Remember that.”

Running a hand down her neck, she thought her moan was silent but I heard her. “I liked being chased, Quincey. Drive safe.”

Challenge accepted.

Forty-five minutes later, I was parking inside Nova Southeastern’s garage and walking past London’s driver parked along the swell of the library. I made a mental note to ask about that. I was curious to know why she had a driver that looked like he was Suge Knight’s long-lost twin brother.

Stepping onto the elevator and locating the room she told me we’d be meeting in wasn’t hard to find at all. For one, traces of her perfume were the perfect roadmap leading me to her. She was barefoot writing on the whiteboard with her computer hooked up to the tv displaying the diagram she created for the launch. The teacher in me loved her detailed information and organization. The man in me was falling deeper for the woman who confidently handled her business.

“Get comfy. Today I want to get your feedback on a few juices that will be on the menu at the first school.” Squatting down by the cooler I missed by the door, she took out several small bottles filled with different colored liquids. “The ingredients for all of the juices are on the front so you know what you’re drinking. Here’s a bottle of water to help wash it all down.” She placed everything before me and sat down with her pen and pad ready to take notes.

The first one I tasted was sweet as hell but good. “Damn. Are you trying to put me in a diabetic coma?” I joked, opening the bottle of water.

Confused, she picked up the juice I drank and sighed. “Sorry about that. That’s my juice from earlier today.” Knowing that I drank behind her had me licking my lips to make sure I savored all of the flavor residues. “I promise the rest aren’t that sweet.”

She was right, the rest of them weren’t that sweet at all but just as good. There wasn’t one that I didn’t like, even the green kale juice. I gave them all an eight out of five. I had to be extra. Since I agreed with her menu we moved on to deciding which ones to launch first and the ones that she’d specifically give to the athletes since most of the schools requested a juice for the sports teams they could drink throughout the day, especially on game days.

Business London was just as sexy as the London that ran from me. Listening to her talk and feeling the ease and comfort that came with teaming up with her on this project, all confirmed the main point for me – she and I were equal when it came to our purpose. To be a guiding light to the youth. A kingdom couple that had a love and purpose for helping and teaching kids.

“You’re amazing.” I couldn’t help but blurt it out and it wasn’t to gain points. I was simply stating facts.

Elbows on the table and sitting across from me looking so regal but free, she smiled. “Thank you. I started the program in college as a way to give myself something to do. At the time, I was volunteering at this youth center in the city and sometimes I had to shadow teachers in Manhattan. A complete contrast from the other but what really bothered me was the difference in nutrients given to the kids. It angered and amazed me how our school system treated kids based on their location. Lil Billy living in a penthouse is privileged for carrots and salads but not Ashley who lives in the boroughs?” Her lips pursed as she shook her head. “I started planning and planning. Presented my business plan to my brother and the rest is history.”

By her small fingers she was a size five, maybe a six. She wore diamonds but something told me she wouldn’t want a large stone just because I could afford it. She’d rather have something of sentimental value. I wonder if she preferred a fall or spring wedding.

“What part of New York are you from?” It wasn’t hard to not hear the up north accent when she talked.

Giving me that shy smile, she looked off trying to hide her blush. “That has nothing to do with this project, Mr. Reid.”

“It has everything to do with it.”

Resting her chin on her palm, she looked at me with amusement. “How so?”

“Getting to know you helps me better understand how I can serve you. Understand your needs and wants.” A long pregnant pause drifted between us as I let my words plant seeds in her mind. “For your project of course.” We held gazes for a few seconds before laughing.

Her phone started ringing and her eyes widened as the sound of someone singing material girl echoed around our room. “I’m so sorry. I’ll be quick.” Answering the FaceTime, she sat up smiling. Sounds of someone sniffing made me raise a brow.

“Lolo, where are you?” A little girl questioned.

I can’t believe I sat here getting jealous by the way she smiled at the camera. Not only jealous of her smile but that light I’ve been determined to bring back into her eyes, it was back in full force. “I’m working, Tai. Why are you crying, sweetie?”

“Because, Lolo. Why are you trying to kill my Papa? His booty is bleeding and he says you did it.” She squealed so loud that London had to lower the volume on her phone. “He’s stuck on the toilet.”