Kids had no shame telling all your business.
“Tai, did you call London?” A male's voice boomed in the background.
“Yes, Papa. She’s on the phone. Eww. You stink.”
“Give me the damn phone.”
London covered her mouth to keep from laughing at the wrestling going on.
“London.” He barked her name.
Snickering, she busted out laughing in his face. “Why do you have her thinking I’m trying to kill you?”
“Cause you are.” His voice sounded strained. “I know I ate your last southwestern eggroll and used all of your little peach mask shit but you didn’t have to kill me, Lolo.”
“Cassian, what are you talking about?” She could barely talk straight from all the laughing she was doing. I don’t know who the dude was but to see and hear her smiling like this, I sat back and enjoyed the portrait being painted in front of me.
“I’m talking about my shit and piss being red. What the fuck?” He shouted. “I thought you loved me, man. I thought we were better than this.” Was he crying? “Is this revenge? I knew I shouldn’t have put you on to watching Fatal Attraction. You did this shit on purpose because I won’t rub your booty and…”
“Cassian.” Squealing, London hopped up and ran out of the room.
I might’ve been laughing but I was curious as hell to know who he was to her. From what I looked up on the internet she had a brother who was married and recently welcomed his first child but that was it. There weren't even blogs talking about who she was linked to as far as dating.
“I’m so so sorry about that.” She came in looking embarrassed with flushed cheeks. “I forgot to tell him what happens when you drink beet juice.” As soon as she said that my eyes moved down the table to the empty juice bottles I drank from. At least two of them had beet juice in them. “Yeah, so, I’ll tell you now so you won’t freak out. Your stool and urine will turn a shade of red until it leaves your system.”
This I knew. My concern was the kids. If a grown man freaked out like that then I’m sure a few kids might.
“Make sure you add a note to educate all the kids on the possible effects of the juices. The last thing we want is a parent causing a ruckus for lack of knowledge.”
Nodding, she sat back down and started taking notes. “You’re so right and thanks for mentioning that. I’m so used to drinking it that it doesn’t concern me.”
“Who is that man and little girl to you?” I was being nosey but I had to know. He’s on the phone mentioning booty rubs while I’m over here trying to ease her into accepting a forehead kiss.
That bright smile returned. “Kids that I love as my own, yes. And as far as he goes, he’s not my man but a very special friend. You met my girlfriend so you know that I’m taken.”
Here she goes with this fake relationship. “You do know that I’m not threatened by your situation with her, right? To be honest she’s no concern to me and what we got going on.”
That made her pause and put her pen down. “And what exactly do we have going on?”
London was a lover of words. She loved when you affirmed her, loved when you spoke sweetly to her, and loved when you spoke authoritatively with her.
“Keep surprising me in the middle of class and you’ll see.” That made her blush.
“Anyway, what about you? Do you have a girlfriend? A wife? Fiancee? Friends with benefits?” She wanted to know it all but didn’t want to give the same in return. That was cool for now.
“None of the above.”
“Single?” I could see her holding her breath after she asked.
“For now. I’m waiting for you to drop the protective shield called Olena and get to know me.” This time I leaned across the table getting as close as I could in her space.
Her eyes zeroed in on my lips. “You’re very honest and blunt.”
“Why sugarcoat? I want to get to know you, London, and before you start wasting both of our time with excuses about us working together, nowhere in the handbook says we can’t.” Trust me, I read that employee handbook from front to back several times to make sure I wasn’t breaking any rules.
She finally looked up at me and that dark cloud came back cloaking her heavy. “I’m not what you want.” She spoke low and for the first time, I saw her confidence become a distant shadow. This wasn’t the same London that confidently walked into my classroom letting me know she had an itch to see me. This London was scared.
“You’re right.” I leaned back in my chair pulling out my vibrating phone. Seeing India calling I turned it off. “You’re exactly what I need.”