Page 85 of Lost In London

I wanted to match his lazy comfortable look with sweatpants and a hoodie. “Next time I’ll be more than prepared. Can I ask you a question?”

Stretching out as best as he could in his seat, he licked his lips and nodded. “Ask anything you want.”

I learned so much about the man known as Quincey Reid everyday. This morning I learned about his distaste for being in close spaces with people he didn’t know. Hence him paying for the seat next to us so we’d have the entire row to ourselves. Several people asked if it was open and he politely told them no. His long legs wouldn’t work being seated by the window so he took up the aisle seat and I laid out all on him.

“What’s your relationship like with your mother?” My mama always told me that you can gauge how a man will treat you by the way he treats his mother.

Growing up I believed that because of the relationship I saw between my mom and Landon. He was a mama’s boy and she loved her firstborn. But as I grew older and saw for myself how parents are extremely flawed people too, I’d never let that theory be my metrics for determining my lover's character.

Running a hand over his head of jet-black waves, he lifted a brow as he pondered for a minute. “Her and I aren’t close. We’ve never been and I don’t think we ever will be.” He stared straight ahead with his head tilted. “I’ve never felt a void of not having that relationship with her. If I’m being honest I’m grateful that we don’t because she’s not a good person as the world has perceived her to be. Yes, she’s a role model to other Black women in architecture but the legacy she built wasn’t on the strength of integrity and honor. It was built on lies, greed, and the sacrifice of her vows.”

Annette Reid was indeed a stellar woman who had continued the legacy of Maverick and when I found out that was his mother I became excited. Waiting for the day when I’d meet her but now I wasn’t so sure I wanted to.

“She has this sick and unflattering obsession with meddling in the personal lives of her sons. Besides me and Quest, the other three work for Maverick in some way. That was never a dream of mine. Never. My entire high school years were filled with threats from her threatening to not pay for college. By the time I graduated high school she threatened to disown me one-hundred and twenty-six times. I kept count and reminded her of it during my graduation party that she threw for her peers more than for me. I graduated on a Thursday and was in Tallahassee by Sunday.

“I earned a full ride to Florida State University and worked my ass off to make sure my schooling was covered because I never wanted her help. Never wanted her to take credit for my accomplishments. I rarely came home and if I did it was for three days. In her eyes I was a disgrace to the Reid family name because I went against the plans she made for my future. Wanna know what really makes me dislike her?”

I sat on the edge of my seat wanting more.

“Reid isn’t my father’s last name.” My brows creased and my chin dipped in confusion. “Reid is my mother’s maiden name.” No, she didn’t. “Yep, he took her last name to continue the legacy of the Reid name. The most pathetic shit I’ve ever heard and there was a time when I resented my father for letting her play him like a damn fool. His whole life has been a sacrifice to her wants and she rewards him by emasculating him and breaking the sacredness of their vows in the name of taking Maverick to the next level.”

I understand his frustration but if his father allowed it then how can he resent his mom and not his dad?

“Have you ever asked your dad why he allowed it to happen?”

He snorted, sitting up grabbing my legs, and pulling them over his thighs. “Of course, I did.” He sat quiet, looking down. I could tell this was a touchy subject for him and he wanted to shut down but he wanted to let me into his world.

“It hurts my soul to be angry with my father. He played such a pivotal role in my life that went beyond going half on creating me. He raised me while my mother worked. He didn’t have to. They had the money to hire a nanny and give the daunting task to her. I wasn’t an easy child because of my… uniqueness. The man I am is because of him. The men my brothers are, he’s responsible for that. He’s the one who taught me how to use my gift. Taught me how to pray and draw closer to God. Quest has more authority in my parent’s household than my father, and I know that seems odd but he built Quest up the way he is for that reason. We’re all built up to stand toe-to-toe with our mother because my dad didn’t want us to be like him.”

His dad didn’t want them to be weak men bound by the devotion of love and honor.

I got it.

Didn’t quite agree but I got it.

Sensing his mood shift after sharing that piece of his life with me, I cuddled up next to him and let him sort out his thoughts for the remainder of our flight. Once we landed, I got a call from Dove that my pieces were ready. He was still quiet and distant so I had Benny drop him home, thinking that he needed time to himself.


He wasn’t tired of me yet and I for sure wasn’t tired of being up under him. While I went to meet with Dove he went across the street to grab us some food before we headed back to his house. Cassian called me right when I walked into Dove's shop and he wasn’t at all happy that I wasn’t coming home for the night. He even put Tai and Melly on the phone making me feel worse. It was easier to promise them that I’d be home tomorrow than their spoiled father. In all of his stubbornness, he hung up on me and I sat with a decision to make.

Either go home with Quest or go home to Cassian.

I always thought it would be him on this end when he found a woman. Always thought it would be me who would have a hard time unclinging myself from him because my level of separation anxiety was real.

“Here’s the necklace and bracelet for the girls. I added an extra touch to Massey’s. Cassian’s necklace is over here. Give me one second.”

Finding out what happened to Dove and knowing Donovan had abused her worse than me. My heart pinched in agony. She was such a sweet, gentle soul. However, today she seemed different. Seemed physically present but mentally lightyears away. The three men randomly sitting around her shop didn’t go unnoticed either.

Pink cat eye glasses framed her eyes, trying to hide their puffiness. “I hope they like your gift.” She talked with her head down and shoulders slumped. I hurt for her because I knew the pain she was in. I felt it. I knew it all too well. She was hurting so bad and I hated that years later he still had that type of power over her.

“Dove.” I stilled her trembling fingers, waiting until she lifted her head and stopped hiding behind that large cloud of hair. “I’m sorry for what he did to you. I’m sorry he tried to take your light. I’m sorry he violated you with no remorse. I’m sorry he took advantage of you.” I apologized to her how I wanted Elgin to apologize to me.

“Thank you, London.” She wiped her eyes dry. “Sometimes I get so angry with myself for having these moments of feeling helpless. I’m in therapy. I’ve been doing the work of healing since it happened. But him reaching out to me triggered me and I’m having a hard time bouncing back.”

I sat back and watched her move around packaging up my order. The same way I had to clean to clear my mind, she had to keep busy and that was fine. It’s what worked for her.

“Can I ask how long he’s been contacting you?” I hated to pour alcohol on her wounds but I needed to know if her torture started when mine did.