“I definitely still want it,” he continues. “But the kid thing… I think you’re onto something with your waiting-until-your-thirties plan. Taking care of Maryanne when she was here and then being home with her this whole month…” He sighs. “It’s a lot of work.”
“No kidding.”
“I don’t think I’m ready for that.”
“You could always find yourself a sweet little wife who will be fine doing it all herself.”
“I don’t want a sweet little wife.” He kisses my shoulder. “I want a sassy bitch.”
I snicker. “Did you just call me a bitch?”
A sense of contentment settles over me, which is ironic considering I experienced a beating at the hands of my ex-boyfriend tonight. I shouldn’t be feeling content right now.
“Remember when you asked me if I would ever make sacrifices?” I say pensively. “If I could be the kind of partner who took on a larger load while you were in the NHL?” I purse my lips. “I think I could.”
“Yeah?” he says thickly.
“I would make those sacrifices for you. Because you’re everything to me too.”
“Jesus, Dixon, you’re so sappy. Have some more self-respect.”
I snort against his shoulder.
“Anyway, congratulations,” he says.
“For what?”
“I’m leaving you in charge of deciding when you birth our children.”
My burst of laughter makes my side throb again. “Damn it, Lindley. Stop making me laugh.” I snuggle closer to him. “But thank you. I appreciate you allowing me a say in our future.”
“I like that.”
“Our future.” He rests his cheek against the top of my head. “Do you mean that? You see a future for us?”
I reach for his hand and slowly lace our fingers. “Yes. I mean it.”
I have no idea what that future will hold, but I do know one thing—when it comes to me and Shane, there’s no doubt in my mind that the journey will be fun.
Pretend your fingers are gently stirring soup
MY ENTIRE BODY IS BUZZING WITH ANTICIPATION AS I STEP THROUGH THE heavy door into the locker room. The familiar scent of sweat and equipment greets my nostrils, but there’s something else in the air. Faces light up when I enter, a few cheers erupting at the sight of me.
“Lindley!” Colson exclaims, coming up to greet me. “It’s about fuckin’ time.”
Trager, Patrick, Austin, and a few others wander over, giving me manly side hugs and smacking my arm, welcoming me back. A lot of fanfare considering it’s just a regular morning practice.
I grin, genuinely touched by the reception. I make my way to my locker, where I’m joined by Ryder and Beckett.
“Good to have you back,” Ryder says gruffly.