Page 212 of The Dixon Rule

That summons a smile. “I’m cool with it.”

“Will the nurses throw me out if I get in bed with you?”

“I’ll yell at them if they try. But come lie on this side. My left side is totally out of commission.”

Shane stands up to remove his coat and kick off his shoes. Then he gingerly gets on the narrow bed. He’s six one and stupidly muscular, so it’s a tight fit, but he manages to settle beside me, propped up on one elbow while his hand gently strokes my hair.

“I’m coming back to Briar,” he says. “Back to Meadow Hill.”

“Don’t you dare come back because of me. I’ll be fine.”

“Nah, not just because of you. My mom kicked me out.”

I gasp, then instantly regret it when my side clenches in pain.

“For my own good,” Shane adds. He presses his lips to my non-bandaged temple, and I feel him smiling. “She reminded me where I belong.”

“In the rink,” I confirm.

“And with you.”

His hand drifts down my arm. I feel his fingers shaking. “I know it seems like I’m handling this really well on the outside—”

“Does it?” I say dryly.

“But I’m terrified right now. The fact that you’re in the hospital is ripping me apart. Every time I think about him kicking in the door and hurting you…” Shane makes a strangled noise. “Don’t let me leave this hospital tonight, Dixon.”

“I won’t.”

“I’ll fucking kill him.”

“You won’t.”

We fall silent for a moment. I’m not hooked up to any machines, so the room is quiet. When Shane speaks again, his voice is trembling.

“You have no idea how much I love you. It’s almost pathetic.”

I can’t help but laugh. This time the twinge of pain is worth it.

“Never saw it coming, Dixon. But you’re everything to me. I don’t know when it happened, but it’s true. You’re the heartbeat of my days. You’re the reason I look forward to tomorrow. I honestly never thought I’d find someone who understands me so completely.”

Oh my God. I can’t believe these sappy words are leaving Shane Lindley’s mouth. I’d tease him about it if he wasn’t so damn earnest. Besides, I know exactly what he’s saying. I feel the same way. I am unapologetically myself when I’m with him. Weirdness and all.

“Being away from you this last month was torture. I fucking left you and look what happened. He could have killed you.”

“I’m all right,” I say firmly.

“I wasn’t joking before. I’m never leaving you again.”

“You’ll have to eventually,” I tease. “What about when you’re traveling with the Blackhawks on away games and I’m at home with the two children you expect me to pop out next year?”

He chuckles, his breath tickling my chin. “Yeah, about that… I may have changed my mind.”

I’m startled. “You don’t want marriage and kids anymore?”

“No, I do.” He absently strokes my arm.

I wish I didn’t have to wear this hospital gown. I asked my dad to grab me a cardigan or two when he goes back to my apartment tonight. But right now, I guess I don’t mind it. My short sleeves let me enjoy the soft scrape of Shane’s fingertips on my flesh.