She’s wearing white shorts and a yellow T-shirt with the words SPIRIT ACADEMY stenciled on in a blue scribble. Her platinum-blond hair is tied in a high ponytail.
“Heading to work?” I ask as we fall into step together.
Holding a travel mug, she practically races down the stairs. “Yeah, and I’m late. I overslept, and I’m pretty sure I missed the bus.”
“Where’s this spirit camp? I’ll give you a ride.”
Her expression is full of distrust.
“C’mon. Where do you need to be?”
“The high school in Hastings. And I’m only saying yes because I’m desperate.”
“I appreciate you allowing me the honor.”
In the parking lot, Diana rolls her eyes at my shiny silver Mercedes. “God, you are such a spoiled brat. Did your mommy and daddy buy you that?”
“Of course.” I unlock the doors and slide in, waiting for her to settle in the passenger side. Once she’s seated, I tip my head and ask, “If your parents bought you an expensive car for high school graduation, are you honestly saying you wouldn’t accept it?”
She purses her lips. Then sighs. “Fuck no. I’d snatch the keys out of their hands before they changed their minds.”
“Exactly,” I say, and start the engine.
The school is only a five-minute drive. I steer through the automatic gates at the side of the apartment complex and turn onto the street. Mature trees line both sides of the road, residential gardens in full bloom. Everything we drive past is green and colorful. I love summer.
“Why’d you oversleep?” I ask. “Go to bed late?”
“I stayed up watching commentary videos about Fling or Forever. The internet is shook that Ben chose Jasmine.”
“I knew he would.”
“I thought he’d pick Zoey for sure.”
“Nah. It was obvious Zoey’s set on Connor because he made her come in the Sugar Suite. Plus, that fight with Ben and Jas was fucking epic. The producers know what they’re doing—of course they steered Ben toward the girl that’s going to bring them the most drama. Zoey’s too sweet.”
“I still can’t tell if you’re making fun of me.”
Neither can I anymore. Kind of started off that way, but after four consecutive episodes, I’m strangely invested in Zoey and the Connor’s relationship.
“Where are you going this morning?” Diana asks with a sidelong look. “You’re not wearing your dorky golf clothes.”
“My golf clothes aren’t dorky. And I’m going to buy a vacuum. I need to clean up for a houseguest.”
She snorts. “It’s Niall’s day off. Can you film his reaction for me?”
“He doesn’t like the vacuum—Wait, why am I even asking? Dude doesn’t like anything that’s over point two decibels.”
Our short drive comes to an end as I pull up in front of the school, a sprawling gray stucco building with white window trims.
I put the car in park so she can get out. “Later, Dixon.”
“Thanks for the ride, Daddy.”
“Don’t turn me on this early in the morning, please.”
She’s laughing as she runs out. We might not have called an official truce, but she seems a lot less hostile ever since I debunked Crystal’s lies. It still smarts that Crystal led Diana to believe not only did we have sex but that I sent her a one-line brush-off afterward. I would never treat a woman like that.