After I drop Diana off, I purchase a vacuum I’ll likely only use once, then spend the next couple hours cleaning and hoping it’s not in vain.
When I finally turn off the vacuum, I hear an aggravated cry from downstairs.
“Let it go, Niall!” I shout, giving the finger to the door. Fuckin’ Niall.
At around three, Lynsey texts to say she’s heading out. Or rather, she says we’re heading out. I guess that means Monique is coming too. But maybe that’s a good thing. It’s been more than a year since Lynsey and I were alone together. We’ve seen each other since the breakup, but only with other people around.
It suddenly occurs to me that maybe she’s intentionally bringing a buffer along. We’re supposedly friends now, though. Friends shouldn’t require a buffer. Which tells me she’s afraid to be alone with me. And the only reason that would scare her is because…she still has feelings for me too.
Or maybe I’m reaching.
I spend the rest of the afternoon grabbing groceries in town, then squeeze in a quick workout at the complex’s gym. At around seven, Lynsey texts that they’ve reached Boston. That gives me an hour to shower and get dressed. I make an effort not to look like a slob. No basketball shorts, no threadbare tee. I put on jeans and a clean shirt and shove a baseball cap on my head. The hat has the logo of the Warriors, our old high school football team. Maybe it’ll tickle her nostalgia bone.
Just past eight, Richard from the Sycamore buzzes to say my guests have arrived and that he gave them the overnight parking pass I requested so their car isn’t towed. Shortly after, there’s another call to my phone, a buzz-in request from the Red Birch doors.
“It’s me.” Lynsey’s staticky voice fills my ear.
“Come on up.”
My palms are a bit damp, so I wipe them on my jeans. Fuck, I was with this girl for four years. I know her better than I know myself. I shouldn’t be this nervous.
Through the thin walls, I hear footsteps on the staircase.
I open the front door and there she is. Stunning, of course. A white flowered sundress hugs her toned body, revealing a pair of shapely legs honed by years of ballet. She’s straightened her sleek, black hair and wears it loose around her shoulders, rather than tied back in a low ponytail, which she usually prefers.
A hesitant smile plays on her lips. I instantly understand her hesitation when my gaze moves to the guy standing beside her.
I recover fast, forcing an easy smile. “Hey. Glad you made it in one piece.” After a beat, I lean in to give her a brief hug. “You look great.”
Maybe he’s just a friend.
I mean, she did call him a friend.
But I saw the possessive hand he kept on her hip before she hugged me back.
Ignoring the awkward tension hanging in the air, I stick my hand out to the dude. “Hey, man. I’m Shane.”
Lynsey visibly swallows. “Oh, sorry, I’m bad at introductions. Shane, this is Tyreek. My boyfriend.”
The rich tapestry of our love
I GET HOME FROM WORK ON FRIDAY NIGHT WANTING NOTHING MORE than to put on comfy clothes, order Chinese takeout, and watch FoF. I rarely get to watch it live, so I’m stoked. That means tonight I get to vote for someone in the Sugar Shack to return to the hacienda.
I meet the delivery guy in the Red Birch lobby, accept the plastic bag he hands me, and cart it back upstairs. I’m pulling out and placing small cardboard containers on the counter when my phone rings. I crane my neck at the screen, swallowing a sigh at my mother’s name. Conversations with Mom are either painful or very painful.
I put her on speaker, continuing to unpack my food. “Hey, Mom.”
“Hello, sweetheart. I realized I hadn’t heard from you in a while, so I called to see how you were.”
“I’m okay. Busy with work. How are you?”
“Good. I just got off the phone with your brother.” Of course she called Thomas first. He’s the favorite. “I’m thinking of joining him in Lima for a week or two next month. He said he’s thoroughly enjoying his work down there.”