The thought of Arabella figuring out where I live was already present in my mind. There was something about the way she was behaving that unsettled me. Almost as if she had to get me out of the way, as if she needed to get rid of me. I don’t think she’s done with me.

But leave my home? I don’t want to do that.

Fortunately, I’m spared the discussion as Ricky reaches us. “This isn’t a small cut, Charlotte! You said you had slipped and fallen and cut yourself.”

“Well,” I reply, giving him a wan smile, “I did cut myself. And you can’t even see it yet, under the bandage, so how do you know how big the cut is?”

“Because half your face is swollen!” Ricky retorts, his eyes worried. “And nobody uses that big a piece of gauze for a tiny, inconsequential cut.”

“Sorry,” I apologize. “I know you were at the shelter.”

“Don’t worry,” he mutters. “I have a friend who’s watching it now. Let’s go. I brought my medical kit.”

Robert is watching Ricky with a little more suspicion than I’d like, but I can feel the wounds in my cheek, and I want them looked at. We head upstairs, and once we’re in my apartment, Mano runs toward me, crying loudly. After sniffing me, she can clearly sense something is off, because she decides to sit in my lap as Ricky gives me a once-over. I change into a long bathrobe so that he can examine the bruises on my legs and arms. There are more on my back, and Robert begins to growl when I turn around to show them to the vet.

I blink when Robert steps in front of me, holding me against him as Ricky lowers the bathrobe from behind.

“That’s far enough,” he snarls, making Ricky freeze.

“I’m just trying to help her,” Ricky says tightly.

“Looking at her ass isn’t helping anyone,” Robert scowls.

“Robert,” I begin, but he shakes his head.

“Your ass is off limits.”

“Will you stop saying ass!” I hiss at him. “Call it a butt. It’s a butt. Everybody has one.”

He raises a brow and eventually says to Ricky, “Fine. Charlotte’s perfectly formed butt is off limits, got it?”

I groan.

Ricky makes a sound. “It’s fine. I’ve got a good idea of what’s going on.”

He tries to help me pull the robe back up only for Robert to snarl, “I’ll do it. You don’t have to touch her so excessively.”

“I’m so sorry, Ricky.” I wonder why I’m being tested like this right now. “Please excuse my friend—”

“We’re involved.” Robert decides to throw that statement out there. “Very involved.”

I close my eyes, wondering if it’s possible to self-combust on the spot.

“No, we’re not,” I finally say.

“She doesn’t know it yet,” Robert counters.


“Okay.” Ricky holds up his hands as I turn around, struggling against Robert’s steel-like grip. “I don’t need to know the details of y’all’s relationship. Lucky for you, the bruises aren’t so bad. I’m going to prescribe you pain meds and heat therapy. Since you’ve got contusions from head to toe, get a heated blanket and wrap it around you for an hour daily. Try not to wear thick clothing because the heat needs to seep into your body. Now, let’s take a look at the cut on your cheek.”

He removes the gauze, and his expression instantly changes. “Were you mauled by an animal?!”

The situation being what it is, I can’t help but snort. “Something like that.”

When Ricky’s eyes flit toward Robert, he scowls. “It wasn’t me.”

My tiny smile fades. That was odd. “Why would you think Robert did this?”