I stare straight ahead, not very happy with her nonchalant tone as she narrates the incident.
“Tell me, how many times are you attacked in a year?” I try to keep my tone light, but my hands are flexing around the steering wheel.
I feel Charlotte’s eyes boring holes in the side of my head, and her voice is tight. “I’m not a damsel in distress or an empty-headed fool who seeks out danger, Robert.”
“I didn’t mean to imply—” I immediately begin, realizing how I must have sounded.
“It’s not an annual event or anything,” she snaps, turning her head away from me to stare out the window. “There’s a reason why I stay away from shifters and vampires.”
I press my lips together.
I don’t know why I keep saying the wrong thing. Ever since she woke up, she’s been tense and exhausted. In a way, she has shut down, not wanting to talk about what happened. I don’t know if it’s a defense mechanism or if she doesn’t trust me. However, we will be having a talk, whether it’s tonight or tomorrow. I know what I want. It’s time she understands that, too.
When we reach her building, there’s a man waiting in the lobby. Charlotte is about to walk toward him when I grab her arm, stopping her.
I recognize him.
He’s the man she went off with the other day.
“What’re you doing?” Charlotte frowns. “That’s Ricky.”
I stare at the man, perplexed.
Does Charlotte know that the vet she works for is not human?
Chapter 14
Charlotte Sanguinite
I don’t like depending on others or leaning on people for support. It’s a habit formed out of necessity. But Robert is like a force of nature, taking charge of the entire situation, taking care of me.
It’s been a long time since someone took care of me, and I don’t know what to do about it.
My desire to push Robert away keeps getting weaker and weaker as he barges his way into my life like a bulldozer, crushing the shields I erected around me for my own self-preservation. Perhaps the breaking point for me was when he held me in his arms, telling me that if anything had happened to me, he would have looked after Mano.
It’s foolish, but those words pierced my heart, and now I can’t look at him the same way.
It frightens me how safe I find his arms and how reassuring his presence is. I know I’m lashing out at him at the moment, and it’s immature of me, but I can’t help myself. I’m scared. I’m scared of how I feel about him. I’m scared of the position I’ve put myself in by letting my heart be vulnerable around him. He’s an Alpha. I can’t understand his intentions in wanting to get to know me, to get so close to me.
My mind keeps jumping to the worst possible conclusion. Logic dictates it to be the truth. And yet, the part of my soul that aches to taste love whispers that maybe he really does want me. That maybe he simply likes me for me. That there doesn’t have to be another meaning behind his attraction to me.
Life wasn’t supposed to be this complicated. I wasn’t supposed to develop feelings for my clan’s enemy. Granted, I don’t belong to that clan anymore. However, things can’t get any more star-crossed than this, and if the plethora of tragic novels I’ve read are any indication, I shouldn’t be expecting a happy ending.
Seeing Ricky waiting for me in the lobby of my apartment building has me relaxing.
However, Robert’s reaction surprises me.
“That’s Ricky,” I tell him as he glowers at the man approaching us now. Robert’s expression changes, and he gives me a quick look as if studying my face for something. His grip on my arm eases.
“Sorry, I’m just a little bit on edge right now.”
“I’m sorry,” I sigh. “This has all been such a hassle for you—”
“That’s not it.” He takes my bag from me and wraps his hand around mine, looking down at me. “I’m just concerned. If you think your sister can find you here, I don’t know if staying in your apartment is the best idea.”
I swallow, meeting his gaze. “But it’s my home. I don’t want to leave my home.”
His eyes are gentle. “I’m not saying you should. But until things settle down, maybe you can relocate for a bit. I can make sure somebody keeps an eye on your apartment in the meantime. Or I could help you find a temporary renter so it’s maintained while you’re not there. I just don’t want you to come home to a nasty surprise waiting for you.”