Page 24 of Watch Me

She slides her trembling hand into mine and steps beside me. I don’t bother looking at Hunter again as I lead her back to the dining room.

“Ah, Madison.” William smiles as we return, and I help her sit. “You’ve always been so brilliant. It’s no wonder you want to work with these fine young gentlemen.”

Her cheeks are still a little pale, but she gives him a warm smile. “I’ll always be grateful for the experience I gained working at Taylor’s.”

“Our offer still stands. If you ever need a job, you call me.” William stands as Hunter returns.

Hunter’s gaze falls on Madison again. “We definitely would love to have you back.”

I don’t know what game Hunter is playing, but I also wonder if Madison is playing one in return. Maybe this is part of their game. I can’t trust my instincts on this one, because I want her and that complicates everything. Maybe she’s not into him. Maybe she is.

I need to know for sure. I make a note to run a more thorough background check on Hunter Adams.

“We’re happy to have her on our team and hope to keep her satisfied with us.” Seth smiles as he says the words, but there is a little bite in his tone.

“Of course, of course.” William smiles, but Hunter’s smile drops a little. “You can’t blame us for trying. Madison is one of the best interns we’ve ever had. Wish we could have offered her more to come to work for us, but we have to stick to the budget.”

“I’ll call you later this week to schedule a follow up.” Seth rises and holds out his hand to William. After they shake, he turns to Hunter. Hunter’s smile doesn’t reach his eyes as he shakes Seth’s hand.

“A pleasure doing business with you.” Hunter’s eyes find Madison.

I’m not about to let him get his hands on her again. Even if she wants it, I don’t want to see another man with his hands on her. We may share with each other, but not outside of us.

The others step forward to shake hands, but when Madison gets to her feet, I steer her away and out of the room. She doesn’t hesitate to keep up as we make our way out to the waiting car.

I won’t question her now, but later, I’ll definitely be looking for answers.

* * *


I breathe a sigh of relief as we return to the office. The men are all quiet as we ride the elevator up.

Noah leads me into his office and closes the door. “Okay, let’s actually talk about your job this time.”

He gives me an easy grin. The tension from the confrontation with Hunter eases out of me. We settle on the couch and talk about what all he needs me to do. He has reports for the morning to be run and emailed to him. A little filing. He shows me the cabinets in a room close to the break room.

After a half hour, he reluctantly stands.

“I really enjoyed this morning.” He reaches for my hand and helps me stand before him.

“Me too.” It feels so long ago after Hunter almost trapped me again. I thought he couldn’t do anything in a crowded restaurant. Shame on me for underestimating him. It won’t happen again.

I lock those thoughts away as I focus on Noah’s dark eyes and remember his kiss, the feel of his fingers inside me, and his hot cock on my tongue.

He presses a kiss beside my lips. Butterflies take flight in my stomach.

“I look forward to getting to know you better.”

Smiling, I squeeze his hand. “I really like you, Noah.”

He softens and draws me into his arms. “If I could keep you all day, I would, but I have to share.”

He pulls away and brushes my hair behind my ear, causing a shiver to course down my spine. Leaning in, he presses a kiss to the other side of my lips. I melt.

When we step into the inner office, Blake is waiting for me.

“She’s all yours.” Noah grins as he passes me off. He’s not subtle when he adjusts his cock in his trousers, sparking the flames hotter between my thighs. Will I get to taste him again this week, or will that brief sneak peek be all I get?