But Blake seems so distant. If he were Noah, it would be a no-brainer, but Blake doesn’t seem to want me that way, and I won’t force it on him.
When the conversation switches to more personal matters rather than business, I clear my throat. I need a break from Hunter’s feral gaze.
“If you’ll excuse me?” I lay my cloth napkin next to my plate.
Seth nods at me, and all their gazes follow me as I walk out of the private dining room. When I close the door behind me, I take a breath and head to the restroom. After going and washing my hands, I stand at the mirror and reapply my lipstick.
Lunch is almost over. I just have to go back out there and pretend my skin doesn’t crawl when Hunter shakes my hand as they leave. Easy, right?
Fuck. He is not ruining this job for me.
I straighten my shoulders and leave the bathroom.
Hunter stands in the hallway across from the ladies’ room. His smile is wide as he says, “Hello, Maddy.”
Chapter 9
Something is definitely off about the way Hunter stared at Madison during lunch. Madison is so tense I’m surprised the fork doesn’t bend in her fingers. The others watch her walk out the door to the restroom, but I watch Hunter’s gaze follow her.
He’s more interested in her than in our talks about the future of security at his business. The business he’ll supposedly take over someday. I’m not surprised when he excuses himself a few minutes after Madison leaves.
I need to protect my friends better than I did with Andrea. No one knew she’d blackmail us. We never suspected it. I never suspected it. I let them down.
If something is going on with these two, I’m going to find out. I touch Seth’s shoulder to let him know I’m going. His brow furrows for a second before he gives me a slight nod.
We did a background check on Madison. No red flags came up besides her lack of money, but with what we pay, that shouldn’t be an issue. It’s also why I suggested the bonus to help her get on her feet.
I follow Hunter discreetly and move to the side when he lounges outside the women’s door. His grin is way too pleased with himself. I need to see how Madison handles this because I’m not about to let us get trapped in a similar situation again.
Noah is smitten. Cooper is already into this woman too. Even Seth has issues keeping his hands off her. I need to make sure she isn’t stringing us along. I need to protect my family.
“Hello, Maddy.” Hunter’s smug voice draws my attention.
Madison pales, and her gaze flicks around, looking for an escape. Or making sure no one else is around. “Hunter.”
He doesn’t move from his position on the wall. “You didn’t really think you could escape me, did you, little bird?”
“I don’t know what you mean.” She straightens even as she edges toward the dining room.
“You were supposed to be a good little bird and come work for me.” He steps away from the wall, closing in on her. “We would have had a good time. You and me.”
She swallows. Her gaze is almost wild as she looks for an escape. Or am I seeing what I want to?
“I already told you I’m not interested.”
“Ah, but now you don’t have the excuse that you work for me. Do you, Maddy?” He closes in on her, trapping her against the wall.
“Hunter, this is inappropriate.” She tries to sound stern, but it comes out a little panicked.
I can’t hold back anymore. I stride over to them. “Madison.”
Her shoulders relax as Hunter steps back with a slightly pissed off smile on his face.
“We’re about ready to go.” I meet Hunter’s blue eyes as I reach out a hand for her.