Willow giggles, “If only mom and dad could see you now.”
A smile is on my face even though that lump starts to form in my throat. One mention and I still choke up, memories flashing in my mind. Puzzles and jazz. Hockey and chilli. A crisp breeze sweeps through from the tall open window. The freshness in the air reminds me of our annual camping trip up north. Marshmallows and campfires.
My heart quickens.
Fluttering flames. The smoke.
Red and orange. The leaves like the fire that killed them.
My hands get clammy, chest tightening.
Seven years later and I can still smell the smoke, feel the heat.
I can feel my skin tingle and I’m not sure if it’s the pain from Zane’s damage or the memories of that night.
“Try dad’s leather jacket.” My sister snaps me out of my thoughts and I jump. She stuffs her phone into her new backpack, giving me a wary look, “Or not.”
“Sorry, I…”
Willow slings the backpack over her shoulders. It’s sleek but it still sticks out, the leather almost perfect. I decide then and there that I’m taking my old Jansport. There's a chance it'll make me feel more like myself and less like—I turn around to the mirror and tilt my head again. The Upper East Side’s Wednesday Adams.
“Yeah, you’re right about the jacket.” I move to the door of my bedroom before I wince. These flats feel too tight. Too close to the floor. And if it wasn’t for the gold buckle in the middle, I’d feel like I was about to sign up for the ballet.
The door on the other side of the room bursts open, making me whip around. Nancy Archibald appears in the flesh. She looks like she's sporting a fresh tan, long blonde hair already styled in loose curls.
“How darling!” Nancy squeals, taking out her own iPhone before pointing it in our direction. I hear the shutter sound and I’m too slow to hide my face. “You two look perfect! Come along.” Nancy waves towards the door, stepping aside. “I can’t go to the gym until Henry drops you off.”
I eye her outfit. She’s in a black dress and heels and it’s only Tuesday morning. I notice her blonde hair is a bit lighter than Holly’s with even blonder highlights. She has two sheets of paper in her free hand and she holds them out to us. “Holly forgot to print your schedules. They say if you need something done, do it yourself.”
“I’m just gonna…” I point behind me, towards my bedroom door with my thumb over my shoulder.
“No dear. Now.” She opens her blue eyes wider as if to double-down on her statement, wiggling the papers in her hand.
I’m too tired for a battle but my Jansport is right behind the door. I’m able to crack it enough to grab it while Willow makes her way out, taking her schedule. I tuck the phone inside, keeping the bag on the other side of me so Nancy doesn’t protest while I grab the other schedule.
“You look great,” she smiles as I scoot by, but she’s already tapping away on her phone.
I roll my eyes and follow Willow down the stairs. Vincent’s waiting for us when we get to the bottom, ushering us out the door. “Breakfast is in the car.”
“Woah,” Willow’s voice comes out like a whisper, jaw open. Her nose is damn near pressed against the window but she’s right.
Elite Royal Academy is the size of a college campus and as gorgeous as an ivy league university. It looks like it's ready for a feature in Architectural Digest. Like a modern style Hogwarts. Up until now, I didn’t even know high schools like this existed.
A brass eagle stands with its arms spread in front of a long set of stairs. They lead up to big brown doors, a large landing at the top. There’s a small bit of grass on either side of the staircase. Students in variations of the same uniform gather in small groups, some hang out along the stairs. They're all gawking at each other's accessories. Gucci purses. Louis Vuitton scarves and expensive jackets.
We’re in a slow-moving line of similar black cars on the circular driveway beyond the school's gates. I now understand why they rushed us out the door, but I'm not complaining about parfaits in the back of a Bentley.
Despite my shitty start, I’m starting to feel a little lucky. There’s a silver lining here in Eden. If it weren’t for the Archibalds setting their sights on us we wouldn’t have the chance to attend this school. Willow's research tells me it’s pretty fucking prestigious. I could even have a chance at college after this. Or hell, this girl from The Grove might do the impossible. Attend an ivy league.
I scan the long red-bricked building, the exterior accented by white windows. The smart thing would be to make the best out of this world while I’m in it. Set up a future for Willow and I. Work the job. Get the grades and get out of this with some winnings of my own.
While my eyes move about the property, what I can see anyway, they land on Damien. The boys from the cafe are with him again, all standing on the top steps with hockey sticks in their hands. He has his leather jacket in the other, one foot against the brick. His tie is loose off his neck, and he looks pretty damn good in that uniform. Way better than I do anyway. I can even see a few of his tattoos poking out with the way he has his sleeves rolled up.
Lea’s beside him, the blonde and another one with a shorter cut standing next to her. “Shit,” I mutter, my eyes landing on Cindy Huang. Forgetting the relation to Lea, I didn’t expect to see my new boss on school property. She has on a black and white pantsuit, looking like Cruella Deville.
Cindy doesn’t hug Lea back when she reaches for one and Damien seems to be facing off with the man from the train station. His suit is stiff, a plaid jacket over dark pants. Damien’s got some height on him but I notice a resemblance. He reaches out a hand to Damien but Damien doesn’t flinch. The car inches forward and it’s as if Damien knows I’m watching. He looks right this way.