Once Cindy disappears inside with the man in plaid, Isaac lights something that looks bigger than your average cigarette. He passes it to Damien.
“Have a good day girls.” Henry tips his hat in the rearview before getting out of the driver’s seat.
I look at my sister who’s wearing a headband like Lea. It doesn't look too bad. Makes her look like the cute ninth-grader she is. “Ready? It’ll be like it always is okay? You and me.”
She nods, a smile on her face, “Ready.”
I know she’s eager. She’s been watching The O.C. and Gossip Girl waiting for this day. While it’s her first day of high school, I’m a junior. Willow is a naive freshman but I’ve been through this before. I know the first day at a new high school is far from easy but I’m going to protect us at all costs.
Henry opens the door and I scoot out before Willow. Staring up at the front entrance, Damien’s eyes lock on mine as my sister stands next to me. “Think they’ll remember you?”
“Doubt it.” I shrug but I'm wondering the same thing. Lea follows his gaze and I can see her push up her nose from here. She looks a little pale and I’m guessing my Hazelnut Laxative Macchiato did its job. “This is high school. Wouldn't be surprising if they're onto the next big thing.”
“Welcome to ERA!” A small voice pulls my gaze away from the steps. I look down, following the sound. “Cupcake?”
A couple of younger girls in uniform smile in front of us. One has brown eyes, one has blue but they’re both bright and welcoming. They're in uniform, each with a golden tray of green frosted cupcakes. This place might not be as bad as I thought.
Smiling, I reach for a cupcake in the middle, the one stacked high with frosting. “Don’t mind if I do!”
“Oops!” Before I can grab it she tilts her tray upwards, smooshing the cupcakes against my chest.
Moving my arms out to the side, I look down at my outfit as both girls walk away, giggling. Green frosting covers the middle of my blouse and when I turn to look at Willow, she has the same. Watching her try to pick the remnants of chocolate cake off of her now green and white shirt, heat rises to my face.
She looks mortified, glancing up at the group of students who start crowding around. They're all laughing. All pointing. Some start to whisper.
"She tried to poison Lea and the Kings."
"Girls from The Grove are so sketchy."
"Who let the trash in here?"
"Damien already blacklisted her."
A cackle of laughter comes from the steps before Lea calls out, “It might not be poison but it’s just as effective!”
My eyes flick to Damien and he shakes his head. Lea links her arm around his, joint hanging off his lip. My jaw tightens and I can already feel my nails sinking into my palm as my hands turn to fists.
My sister notices because she pulls on my arm. “Jo, it’s okay. Please don’t do anything. You’ll only make it worse.”
Too late. Her voice becomes distant, my feet storming towards them. My pace quickens, toes pushing against the front of these excuses for shoes.
There’s no way I’m becoming prey in this school, neither is my sister. I’m dealing with this bullshit, and I’m dealing with it now.
I’m halfway up the steps and I’m not slowing down.
Watch your back.
Is this what he meant?
Lea’s Trust Fund Trolls all eye me with smug smiles on their faces as I approach. Whispers get louder, the crowd growing as we come face to face. Lea straightens her posture in her pointy green shoes, pursing her red lips when I get in front of her.
I glance at Damien before looking down at Lea. She looks up at me, her brown eyes saying, “Try me”.
The urge to yank that green headband off her head and shove it down her throat is strong. But I’m not about to be the girl from The Grove brawling on the front steps on the first day of school.
“The Glendale Dump is that way.” Lea points a sharp red nail at the gates. As she eyes my outfit, the little assholes with the trays join her. “You’re not fit for this school. With or without that uniform.”