Grant’s hand clenched into a fist, his jaw even tighter than it had been. The situation was spiraling out of control, and she was not certain Grant could diffuse it. In fact, she wasn’t certain anyone could but her.

“If you are implying that Julia is–” he began.

“I think I can set this to rest very easily,” Julia interrupted him before he said something that would lead to a larger argument.

All eyes turned to her, including Grant’s. He looked uncomfortable and nervous. She felt about the same as she swallowed hard and launched into her explanation that she desperately hoped would help and not hurt.

“Despite what it may seem, neither of us rushed into anything. I know exactly who I married. I took every promise I made very seriously. I have no intention of leaving Grant.”

Grant’s shoulders seemed to relax somewhat.

“While that’s a lovely sentiment, what happens when you find him with another woman?”

Grant scoffed as he tightened one hand over the other.

“If,” Julia corrected her, “that was to happen, I made a promise for better or worse.”

“So, you’d try to work it out, but suppose he doesn’t want to. Do you see where I’m going with this, Julia?”

Julia narrowed her eyes at the woman. She knew exactly what the woman was implying. Grant’s reputation preceded him. He did not have a good track record. “I have no interest in taking something that isn’t mine.”

“And you’d be willing to sign a post-nuptial agreement to that effect?”

“I would be willing to do whatever Grant thinks is best for the company he built.”

The woman’s eyebrow arched high as she studied Julia then flicked her gaze to Grant. “Well, it seems the fifth time may be the charm for you, Grant.”

Julia breathed a silent sigh of relief as the conversation ended and topics turned to something far less contentious. The remainder of the dinner went much smoother, allowing Julia to relax a little more.

The dining room buzzed with the clinking of fine china and the low hum of conversation. The chandelier cast a warm glow over the table, highlighting the shimmering dresses of the ladies and the faces of the guests.

She glanced down the table, trying to read Grant’s posture. It was much looser than it had been. He must have relaxed, too, after the confrontation. Her mind whirled as she continued to make conversation at the high stakes he continuously dealt with.

It may explain why he’d been so short with her earlier.

When the meal concluded, everyone shuffled into the living room for nightcaps before leaving. As Julia finished her conversation with Greg’s girlfriend, Grant squeezed her arm. The woman smiled as she shuffled away, and Julia twisted to face him.

“Excellent job handling Veronica, Juls. She was completely out of line, but you handled that brilliantly.”

She offered him a tight-lipped smile and adjusted his tie. “Thank you. I’m sorry to cut in, but I didn’t think any explanation on your part would have satisfied her.”

“No, you’re right. She views my judgment as flawed, obviously. Though you may have chipped away at that image tonight.”

She smiled up at him as she slipped her arm through his. “I hope it helps. I’ll be right in.”

“Sure. Everything okay?” He offered her a concerned glance as she stepped away from him.

“Yes, just a minute.”

He kissed her cheek. “I’ll be counting the seconds.”

The comment brought a chuckle to her, though she assured herself it was for the benefit of anyone listening in on their conversation. “I won’t be long, I promise.”

He entered the living room, receiving a clap on the back from Thomas along with a grin. “She’s just lovely, Grant.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” he answered before Julia could no longer overhear the specifics of the conversation.

She scurried down the hall to the nearest restroom, ducking inside and locking the door behind her with a sigh of relief at the single solitary moment. She hated to leave the quietness behind after she’d checked her makeup, but she forced herself out of the room.