As she continued down the hall, a shuffling noise called her attention to an open door. Her eyebrows knit as she approached it. Who would be in the private library now?
Perhaps Grant had brought someone down for a private conversation. She considered continuing on without peeking in when her curiosity got the better of her.
She wrapped her fingers around the handle as she peered through the small opening in the door. Her heart stopped at the sight.
Sierra’s business colleague, Christopher Metcalfe, rifled through the desk drawer. Julia shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she considered what, if anything, she should do. A knot of unease formed in her stomach. What was he looking for? Was it tied to Grant’s company?
She had to do something, but cautiously. Her next steps could send more ripples through the pond than she hoped.
She drew the line as he swung open a portrait and stared at the safe behind it, snapping a few pictures of it. Her eyebrow arched up, and as he closed it, she tugged the door open. “Mr. Metcalfe? Have you lost your way from the powder room to the party?”
He slid his phone into his pocket as he grinned at her. “Yes. I was just about to text Sierra for a rescue.”
“Well, I’d be happy to escort you back to the party.”
“Oh, wonderful. We won’t disturb her, then.”
Julia waited for him to join her in the hall before she led him back toward the living room. “So, how did you and Sierra connect again?”
“Oh, uh, I really admire her work with the publishing company. Given my expertise in marketing, I think it would be mutually beneficial for our companies to interface as she reinvents the label.”
Julia crinkled her brow at the string of nonsensical words spilling from his mouth without actually answering her question. “Right. Given Sierra’s branding experience, I’m surprised she’d call in another company.”
“Well, Sierra has a wonderful eye for branding, but marketing is more than just image.”
Julia offered him a polite smile as they stepped into the living room. He seemed anxious to be away from her, and she was soon swamped with conversation from Caroline and Greg.
With no further incidents, the party wrapped up within ninety minutes. Together, they saw their guests off.
“Really lovely to learn more about you, Julia,” Caroline said as she offered Julia and polite hug. “I hope to see you at a few more events. And don’t forget the meeting on Wednesday afternoon for the board of directors for the ballet. I’m looking forward to having a friend on that.”
“I look forward to it, too.”
“Yes,” Veronica said, arching an eyebrow. “It sounds like we will see you much more given that you plan to stick around, which is more than I can say about the last few. You just may have made your first wise decision in years, Grant.”
“I’d hardly say my first, but this is certainly one of my best,” he answered. The words seemed to roll so easily off his tongue, that she wondered if anyone could tell when he was lying. She wondered if even he could tell.
Sierra saw off her new business contact with a wave and slammed the door shut. She set her discerning gaze on Grant and Julia. “Well, that went well.”
“Yes, Julia was brilliant. With any luck, we’ll turn the tides of this hostile board before the holiday.”
Grant turned to Julia but before he could speak, Sierra cut in. “Let’s have a drink. We need to talk.”
She stomped her way to the living room. Grant grabbed Julia’s hand, tugging her along with him.
Sierra poured herself a brandy and spun to face them. “So, what did you think about Christopher? Pretty great, right?”
“Sierra, let’s talk about this tomorrow,” Grant began.
“I want fresh opinions off the cuff. Come on!” Sierra demanded.
Julia wondered if she should say anything about what she’d witnessed. It wasn’t part of her “job,” but she’d feel awful if somehow this made things worse and she’d not said anything, so she offered her opinion. “I thought there was something off about him.”
Grant glanced at her, his eyebrows raising. Sierra wrinkled her nose. “What?”
“Well, on my way back from the powder room, I found him in the private library, looking through the desk.”
Sierra clicked her tongue. “I don’t buy that.”