Worthington twisted to face him. “Honesty.”

The man disappeared from the room, leaving Grant alone with his thoughts. “I was honest.” He snapped open the box again and studied the sapphires. How did he have the knack for doing the exact wrong thing for Julia at every turn?

After finishing the last of his drink, he tossed the box in his drawer and left his office behind. He had a dinner party to dress for. If Julia wanted honesty, he’d do his best to give it to her.

An hour later, four board members and their spouses sat in his living room supplied with drinks by Worthington.

Grant arrived downstairs, adjusting the bowtie on his tuxedo as Worthington strode to him. “Everyone has arrived outside of Ms. Harrington and her guest.”

“That’s Sierra,” Grant said with a sigh, “always fashionably late and looking to make an entrance.”

“Speaking of an entrance,” Worthington said, his eyes rising up the curved staircase.

Grant flicked his gaze upward. Julia descended toward them in a chic cocktail dress. He couldn’t stop the curl of his lips as he spotted her.

“Mrs. Harrington, you look beautiful.”

“Thank you, Worthington,” she said with a sweet smile.

Grant took her hand as she stepped onto the marble foyer floor. “Julia, you look stunning.”

She smiled up at him, her grin becoming guarded. Honesty. Worthington’s words echoed in his mind. He gently cupped her shoulders. “Are you ready for this?”

She nodded. “Yes. I went over all the details before I came down. I’m ready.”

Her sterile answer wasn’t what he hoped for. He wanted to know they were a united front, not that she’d memorized everyone’s names and interests, along with appropriate conversation topics for each couple.

“That’s not…” He shook his head as he tried to find the words.

“Grant, if you’re worried about what happened earlier, don’t be. As I said before–”

“I know what you said.” His words came out more sharply than he’d hoped.

She pressed her lips together as her gaze fell on the floor. He was making a mess of things again. Everything he said seemed wrong, and this was the least opportune moment for another misunderstanding. “I’m sorry, I…I’m not looking forward to this evening.”

She placed a gentle hand on his forearm. “We’ll get through it.”

He brightened as she used the word “we” to describe them. “Thank you for doing this.”

This time her smile looked a little more genuine. She started toward the living room when he pulled her back. “Julia…could we talk after this? Really talk, I mean. I feel like we need to clear the air on a few things.”

Her smile faltered a bit and a shadow of something crossed her eyes. “Sure.”

At least that had gone his way. He had some hope of clearing up the situation. He just had to get through this wretched dinner party. He’d much rather spend the time smoothing over whatever had occurred earlier today, but he had to woo the board.

He slipped his hand through Julia’s, ready to turn on the charm. Her quick smile at him made it easier as they walked into the room together. He greeted Thomas Whitfield, introducing Julia to the man and his wife before they moved on to Caroline Foster and her husband.

After a few moments of conversation, they moved to Greg Mitchum and his latest girlfriend. Ironic, that this man could vote no confidence based on Grant’s supposed lifestyle when his own seemed to be a wreck.

They ended introductions with Veronica Lawson, one of the members heavily supporting his ousting. Her invitation had been strategic, though he doubted he’d change her mind. She was gunning for him. But perhaps he could find a reason for her motives.

She offered Julia the once over before she flicked her gaze to the massive wedding photo over the couch she’d just risen from. “That’s some photo.”

“A beautiful testament to a beautiful day,” Grant said.

“Hmm,” the woman said, tossing a lock of dark hair over her shoulder.

Before the conversation could continue, Worthington announced dinner. They shuffled into the dining room with Sierra joining them on their route. She introduced a dark-haired man named Christopher Metcalfe as they entered and found their seats.