Grant glanced down the long table to the other end. Julia chatted with Thomas Whitfield who seemed enamored with her. Her eyes sparkled in the low lighting, and her smile looked even more enchanting, particularly when she pulled her eyes away from his board member and flicked them to him.

She offered him an almost imperceptible nod before she said something to Caroline Foster’s husband. His spirits lifted as he stared at his partner.

The first course was placed in front of them, and conversation slowed until Caroline Foster asked a question. “So, how did you two meet?”

“Yes,” Veronica added, picking up her wine glass, “I’ve been wondering the same. It all seemed…such a whirlwind.”

Julia licked her lips, flicking her gaze to Grant. He grinned at her, easily able to field the question. If she wanted honesty, he’d give it to her.

“That’s actually quite an entertaining tale. It was by accident. I was…consulting with Sierra on a few things, and she had a meeting scheduled with an author who turned out to be Julia.”

“Who is one of our best, of course,” Sierra added to the tale.

Grant fixed his gaze on Julia at the end of the table. “When she walked in, I was…enamored.”

“And you asked her on a date?” Veronica questioned.

“Actually, no,” Grant said, sliding his gaze to the woman. “She forgot her purse. I tracked her down, took her to dinner, and the rest is history.”

“Aw, how lovely,” Greg’s girlfriend said as she clamped a hand on Greg’s arm and offered him a coy glance.

“Cheers to the beautiful couple,” Sierra said, raising her glass. “I’m certain we can all agree they’re just perfect together.”

“Well, they must be,” Veronica said with a chuckle after a sip of her wine. She flicked a pointed gaze at Julia. “Forgive me for seeming to pry, but you do understand with Grant’s position, it is up to the board to…protect Harrington Global.”

Grant seethed at the woman’s words. Protect Harrington Global from the man who’d created it?

Julia offered her a polite smile, expecting the conversation to end there, but Veronica pressed on. “Which is why I found it so curious when I did my due diligence that I did not find a prenuptial agreement between the two of you.”

Julia arched an eyebrow.

“Understandably, I became concerned. If you should leave Grant…well, the effect on the company could be detrimental.”

“That’s out of line, Veronica,” Grant barked.

“I don’t think it is, Grant. Given your track record, I think it’s a very material concern.”

Julia bit her lower lip as the woman spoke. A flicker of emotion flashed in her eyes, but Grant couldn’t tell what it was: regret, doubt, fear?

“My private life is–”

“Very public as CEO of this company. And I have every right to be concerned about a new marriage that seems to have come out of nowhere.”

Grant clenched a fist as he silently seethed, trying to control his emotions. “If you are implying that Julia is–”

“I think I can set this to rest very easily,” Julia interrupted.

All eyes, including Grant’s, turned to the woman. He held his breath as he waited for her answer. What would she say? And would it strike at his heart as much as her words earlier?



Julia offered Grant a polite smile as he pushed her chair in as they sat down for dinner. They’d been through the onslaught of introductions including being introduced to the late arrival of Christopher Metcalfe. She studied the man next to Sierra at the far end of the table. Something about him seemed off, but she couldn’t put her finger on what it was.

She tore her eyes away as Thomas Whitfield said, “I’m fascinated to meet an author. I cannot imagine what it takes to create an entire world from nothing.”

“Oh well, it’s not really from nothing. There really is plenty to draw from everywhere you look.”