Page 1 of Dirty Money

Chapter 1


I'm rushing around in my apartment, packing for the trip to Las Vegas. One of my besties, Hailey, is turning thirty and wants to celebrate big time. Her dad upgraded our flights and our rooms in Vegas, and I'm excited to have fun there. My phone dings, and I expect it to be one of the girls in the group chat. Everyone is in high spirits because of the trip.

Douchebag: Do you have my money?

I hesitated whether to answer him or just ignore him. His tone has been getting harsher, and he's been treating me like I'm trash.

Douchebag: I'll ruin your life if you don't pay up.

Me: I don't have it yet. You'll need to wait.

I can't help adding that last part, but I know I should be careful. He's volatile right now, and I don't want to set him off. He was never like this when we were together. I guess life changes you sometimes. In his case, for worse.

A loud banging startles me from my thoughts, and a shiver of fear runs through me. That can't be him, can it?

The impatient drum of the door tells me it probably is him. Should I call the police? I hurry to the front door because I don't want him to bother the neighbors. But, witnesses, you know. I open the door, and Bradley is there, face all red in rage.

"Why are you here, Brad?"

"We need to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about. You're blackmailing me, and I'm trying to get together the money to pay you."

"It's taking too long."

He pushes me from the doorway and lets himself into my apartment. This worries me because he's bigger and stronger than me. Things I used to appreciate about him, but not any longer.

"Make yourself at home, why don't you?" I mutter under my breath and close the door.

"Do you have any liquor? I need a drink."

"No, I do not. And you shouldn't be drinking this early in the day, either. You’ll get fired from your position at the bank."

"That's old news. Besides, they didn't appreciate me."

"You got fired?"

"Where's the money, Amber?” Bradley gets up in my face. “As you can understand now, I need it."

"I don't really have that kind of money available, Brad. I'm sorry."

"Does it look like I care about that? You can get it from multiple places. You can get a loan, you can borrow from your precious 401K, or you could ask one of your wealthy friends to give it to you. All I know is if I don't get that 20k, your life is going to be in shambles."


He reaches out and puts his hand around my neck. He squeezes slightly, but I can still breathe. He's making a point.

"I think—” I gulp, “I think I can get it this weekend. I'm going to Las Vegas."

He loosens his grip but doesn't let me go. "Back to your old tricks, huh? Just don't get caught." He squeezes tight once more and then releases me.

"I never got caught." I breathe in a rush of air into my lungs.

"Next time, have some liquor in here."

He rushes to the door and slams it behind him.