Can I make those twenty thousand dollars on the tables in Vegas? I can, but I'll have to be careful. I don't even know how I'm going to separate from the girls to do it. I'll figure something out. Meanwhile, I need to get back to packing. I massage my neck where he held me and pray there are no visible marks there tomorrow. Maybe I’ll wear a turtleneck.
We've boarded the plane and are enjoying the First Class experience. Everyone is gossiping because Gemma got seated next to a hottie. I'm glad I am seated apart from the group, so I don't have to make any small talk during the trip. I'm still reeling from yesterday's attack and am making a list of excuses in my head that I can offer to get away from the others for a few hours every day. Maybe if I split the winnings between three or four casinos, no one will notice.
Once we've landed and gone to the hotel – Hailey's dad set us up in suites – we decide to go to the pool. We all packed swimsuits for this occasion, but not one of us intended to actually go into the pool. Well, except for Hailey, who is now doing laps. What is she thinking? Her hair is destroyed. She'll have to do it for tonight.
She swims over to the side of the pool and just stares at us as if we're some sort of museum display.
"So none of you are coming inside the pool?"
"No!" We answer in unison.
She just huffs and continues to do her laps. Next to me, Meghan is sipping a margarita. She's the quiet one of us, along with Gemma. Today, I've been very quiet, which is unusual for me.
"Do you think she'll like the surprise?" Meghan asks.
"She just told us it's her adventure and not to spoil it. I think it's the perfect present for her."
"What are we going to do while she's in that room with her 'client'?"
"Apart from ogling all the semi-naked guys? Get drunk, I guess. We'll see how it goes." I say.
Their faces relax once more because that's a typical response they'd get from me. I know I've been acting weird.
"The software seems to be working properly as my team configured it," I say as I reassure Kelly that all systems are a go now that my team has installed the software we customized for his casino. I keep watch on several of the cameras and wait for the system to report anything amiss.
"Thank you so much for this, Jason. I'm glad to do business with you. I trust you."
Those are big words coming from a casino owner in Vegas. We've been friends since college, and we've kept in touch throughout the years. When I settled on security software, Kelly started hassling me to get a system for his place. It was a big account, and my company was still small initially, so I stalled until I felt I was in a better position to serve him.
"It was finally time to do it. You'll see a noticeable difference in a week or two."
The software my company wrote is heavily influenced by AI, and it can tell when a player is cheating. I was lucky to hire an amazing team of programmers who could customize it to the casino's specifications. This will save Kelly tens of thousands of dollars every week.
My phone pings with a security breach notification, and I frown. The system gives me the location of the possible threat. I look at the monitors searching and see her, the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid my eyes on, and my software tells me she's counting cards. I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to remove all traces of the alert from the system. I need to get to her.
Kelly, however, wants to keep talking business. I oblige him, but I keep my eyes on screen 17, showing the blackjack table.
"Now that you're finished setting everything up, will you leave Vegas or stay for a bit? You should have some fun. You work too hard, my friend."
"Maybe something or someone will catch my interest. Who knows."
"Let me know so I can extend your stay at the hotel,” Kelly says.
"Thanks, that'd be great. I'm going to be in my office for a bit."
When we arrived, Kelly gave me and my team temporary offices in the building. It's been a godsend because I need my own space to think. I now walk into my office and take my jacket off. I also yank my tie loose and log into the security system.
The woman is there, and she's still winning. Should I let her steal from my friend? Who is she, and why is she doing this? She doesn’t have the look of a casino swindler. She's very careful. If my system weren't programmed to find out exactly what she was doing, no one would have caught her. Am I going to catch her?
It doesn't take long until I'm leaving my office to go find this woman on the casino floor.
Chapter 2
After Hailey’s surprise, our little group started dispersing. I don't know what happened, but all the girls suddenly had things to do individually. Normally, I would have complained, but I needed this break. After dropping off Julie at a fortune teller of all places, I decided to go to the first casino I would hit tonight. I have to make at least 10k tonight, and I don't know if I'll be able to play tomorrow. The girls might want to go sightseeing or something crazy like that.