I’m not sure what to think. Despite our societal differences, we’re in the same boat. We both have had our one-night stands to scratch an itch but that is all it has been. Exploration leads to feelings and neither one of us can afford that. However, exploring Juliette would be a fantasy come true. “Sunshine,” I start in with her pet name again. “I want to show you how precious you are. How beautiful you are.”
Her hands clasp together, a small smile forming on her lips. “Really?”
“Why do you sound so surprised?”
“Because no one ever just wants one time.”
I hate that. I hate that people have used this beautiful flower to try and gain what they need. Granted, I am about to do the same but I don’t want her title, her kingdom, or her riches. I just want her, impossible as it is. “Juliette,” I pinch her chin between my fingers, and the way her lips part automatically draws me to kiss her again before I continue. “I don’t want one time. I want an eternity but the world doesn’t work that way. The world doesn’t allow people like us to lust after our desires. But if you’re offering yourself to me just this once, I’d be a fool to pass this up.”
Patiently, I wait for her answer knowing that Juliette could end this and I would respect her wishes. Then I hear it, the softest sound, the perfect plea. “Please.”
Chapter 2
Shivers crawl up my spine with every step toward my room, the heavy footsteps of the woman who has captured my attention following behind me. By the time we step over the threshold, I’m equal parts excited and terrified of having her presence here.
I take a deep breath, worried that I’m making a mistake. I just need one last release and Ophelia is more than perfect. I wish she could be mine.
Escaping the castle wasn’t my intention but my father’s increasingly annoying demands were too much to bear.
Sit this way.
Don’t speak.
Meet with this advisor.
Look at these suitors.
Try on these dresses.
Living as a princess was much easier before my mother passed away last year. Without her, my father believes that strict rules and 24-7 security are the way to keep me in line. It worked until we traveled to Kusovania for the yearly gala where the security became lax and I was left to my own devices. Mostly. The first chance I had, I dashed off into the countryside, needing a few more days of freedom.
The gala in two days’ time is when I will be married off to one of my father’s choices of a mate. I’m sure I will hate all of my options but it’s the loss of my choice that I hate so much and the barbaric rules that follow royalty.
Of course, my peace was ruined when Kusovanian guards showed up at the little cabin I had escaped to in Hellingser, a small town at the edge of Kusovania. Meadows and windmills can’t save me from the future my father has determined, though I never imagined the team sent to retrieve me would include someone like Ophelia and her brothers.
Now that Ophelia is in the room I rented a few days ago, I’m not sure what to do next. Her presence is stifling in the best of ways and I’m suffocating from the faint perfume wafting from beneath her armor. It’s a sweet scent that contrasts her bold personality and adds to the mystery of a woman I want nothing more than to ravage. Well, I want her to ravage me.
Even if the moment we step back onto the castle grounds I won’t be able to give Ophelia a second glance.
Slowly, I twist around and meet Ophelia’s gaze. She’s gorgeous and her presence is demanding. Ophelia is nearly a head taller than me with sharp cheekbones and fierce blue eyes that require my submission. I enjoy taunting her as I have all morning, the blue of her eyes darkening until she snapped moments ago. Auburn hair is pulled back into a tight bun that I’ve been fantasizing about running my fingers through and the way she fills out her armor has me wanting her even more.
“Juliette-” Her jaw tenses as if she’s fighting between desire and royal law. A soldier should never touch royalty unless they are under threat of harm. But I want Ophelia to touch me. I will be in pain if she doesn’t, as stupid as that sounds.
“No, I want this. One night. Just… I want to be touched.” My words embarrass me but it’s true. The few flings I’ve had don’t truly touch. They’re scared to explore. They don’t want to mark me. They don’t want to stake a claim. They’re gentle as if I’m merely a piece of porcelain.
Ophelia raises an eyebrow, slowly undoing her guard’s belt. The sword attached to it is laid on a small dresser before she grabs the chest plate and undoes the clasps. I watch as her form becomes visible and I clamp my thighs together, swallowing a moan of appreciation that threatens to fall from my lips. Her knighthood beauty is nothing compared to her regal figure. Muscles outline her arms and chest, her breasts full and round beneath the armor, now only covered by a thin black long-sleeve garment.
I would have never guessed that this goddess was both fit and a model of womanly stature. An undignified gasp falls from my lips as I continue to watch.
Ophelia cracks a wicked smile as she tilts her head to the side and nods toward the mattress. “Sunshine, crawl on the bed for me.”
My heart beats a little faster at her command, the power that flows with her words making me want to submit. Immediately. I scramble onto the mattress, sitting on my knees as she undoes the rest of her armor. When Ophelia moves toward me, her movements are swift like that of a predator, drawing a shudder from me.
Rough fingers pinch my chin again, raising my gaze to hers. “I’m prepared to give you what you want but the moment that changes, I need you to tell me.”
I nod, placing my hands on my knees. “Yes, Ophelia.”