Chapter 1
“Juliette, do not play with me,” I force out, frowning when the princess darts farther down the hall. Again. She hikes up her powder blue gown, bare feet slapping against the stone floor. Black curls bounce against her full cheeks, giggles peeling from her lips as she twists around to stick her tongue out at me.
My heart beats faster in my chest as I try to resist the urge to do something I’ll regret. My only job is to ensure Princess Juliette of Smunia’s safety this weekend after she took off from the castle. Kusovania royalty, Queen Daniela and her wife, Her Majesty Seraphina, urged my team to be the one to retrieve her. Seraphina mentioned that I had more of a delicate touch than some of my counterparts.
My touch is no less sharp than the other Kusovanian soldiers.
It’s been less than twelve hours since I arrived with my brothers, intent on making a quick retrieval, but the peace of the little town of Hellingser is too good to pass up. Not to mention that I didn’t expect someone like Juliette. She’s pure and free and wild. She’s happy out here and merely mentioning her father brought a darkness to her eyes that I want to erase.
It doesn’t help that she stole my heart the moment we collided in the tavern, her soft hands curled around my arms for purchase as she looked up at me through those gorgeous hazel eyes. I asked my brothers for the day, saying that we should give Juliette 24 more hours of freedom.
In reality, I just wanted to explore these foreign feelings swirling around in my chest. Feelings that shouldn’t exist and I definitely shouldn’t indulge. Twelve hours from the moment I first saw her and I’m obsessed.
“Come get me!” She teases, her melodic voice bouncing off the thin walls.
I grunt and stalk toward her, a wild grin spreading across my face when she realizes she’s cornered herself. She twists around fully and backs up until her back hits the wall, a delicate ‘oof’ coming from her full lips. Juliette’s hazel eyes widen with a mixture of amusement and desire as she clasps her hands in front of her, playfully pleading for mercy. “Oh, Romeo! Don’t hurt me!”
That terrible nickname popped up a few hours ago when Juliette decided that I was the object of her affection, reciprocating feelings that I hadn’t planned on revealing. I’ve never fallen this hard and fast for someone before and it will be the death of both of us. She’s promised to the highest bidder once we return her to the castle and I will resume my regular duties as one of Kusovania’s guards.
Juliette’s father is determined to be a rich bastard at the expense of his daughter’s happiness. She’s barely 25—six years younger than me, full of life, and only craves a little bit of freedom. Beneath the laughter and squeals this morning, I can see the sadness and longing in her eyes. One that mirrored mine just over a decade ago when I realized that this world isn’t as forgiving to some of us.
I stop within inches of her, both of us trying to catch our breath. This close, I never realized how much smaller Juliette was than me, the scent of the honey body wash coating her skin suffocating me in the best of ways. The desire to wrap my arms around Juliette and tug her to my chest heightens, especially when her tongue darts out to lick her lips as she stares up at me, seconds before her hands reach forward.
Instinctively, I grab her wrists and yank them up over her head, plastering her against the wall. No one touches the sword. A fact that’s been ingrained in me since I started my training. I bite my bottom lip, wondering what Juliette will do in this position. I should release her, apologize, bow, and back away. Yet the softness of her skin against my rough palms has me wanting to push this further.
Searching her expression, I try to dissect the shocked look Juliette is throwing back at me. Is this where the game stops? Is this where she calls her father to have me punished as is her right?
I’m not prepared for the way she rises onto her tiptoes and plants a chaste kiss on my lips. Desire and lust bleed through me as she hovers there, enticing me to continue these shenanigans despite what I should be doing. Her father gave explicit rules to ensure her safety and make sure that no one touched her.
“Juliette,” I breathe, lowering my voice so that it doesn’t travel down the hall. I can’t hide my need for this woman any longer. Not after we’ve been dancing around it for the past few hours.
“Kiss me, Romeo. Kiss me like you mean it. Like you want this.”
“I don’t deserve to touch you. You’re like a sweet little ball of sunshine and me-” I cut myself off, not wanting to continue that line of thought. My upbringing consisted of survival tactics and proving that I was just as good as anyone else. My brothers helped me through thick and thin but we all emerged with scars from a past we would rather not relive.
This woman in front of me isn’t just pure. She’s beauty defined and happiness seeks her out. I want her so bad but I’ll only dim her light.
“And yet you have me pressed against the wall. I can hear your heartbeat,” Juliette plants her hands on my chest plate, and even though it’s impossible, I feel like the heat of her hands seeps through the metal and into my skin. “Your quick breaths. I can see the torrent of emotions in your eyes. In less than a day, we have to return to the confines of a life we must live. Just for now, Romeo. I want this.” Juliette presses her lips against mine again and I give in, releasing her hands and pulling her into my chest to devour her.
A moan slips from her as I wind my arms around her back, one reaching up so that my hand sifts into her hair, the silk against my fingers, heaven. Goddess, she fits so perfectly against me. This moment shouldn’t go further but I’m drunk on this woman’s aura and I need more. I’ll pay for the consequences later.
“Romeo, I need-”
I nibble on her bottom lip, setting off another one of her adorable squeals. “Patience, sunshine. I know what you need and I’ll give it to you,” I growl. She whimpers in my arms as my kisses move to her jaw and then down to her neck. I shouldn’t mark her but the absolute delight of watching everyone else see that she has been temporarily claimed spurs me on.
My hand in her hair tightens, the other moving between us to cup one of her petite breasts. She arches into my touch, her lips parted as she holds onto me. Slowly, I move farther down, bending to ruck up her dress enough for my bare hand to land on her thigh. This is no longer just taboo territory that I am encroaching upon, but downright forbidden. I can’t find it in myself to care enough to stop. The gasp that greets my touch has me sucking the sensitive skin at the base of her neck a little harder.
“You’ve been playing with me all morning, sunshine,” I purr and she wiggles in my hold as I pull back to meet her fiery gaze. She can’t move in this position but it’s fun to see her struggle. “And now it’s my turn because I’ve been dreaming of things I shouldn’t want and can’t have. Let me taste you.”
Her eyes widen and she freezes. I feel like I’ve overstepped again and I’m about to remove myself from her when it’s embarrassment that crowds her expression. “I… I… no one-” Juliette sucks in her bottom lip and I stifle a laugh at how precious she looks in this moment.
“Has no one touched you before, Juliette?” I’m not surprised. Many princesses’ fathers forbade them to do anything before marriage, not that that stops them.
“No, I’ve done stuff,” she huffs. I release her and step back. This conversation requires a bit of seriousness and my hand on her thigh is a little too intimate. Juliette wraps her arms around her chest as if hiding from me, from the world. I wonder who has made her feel that way. “Just like. I have needs and they get met. But we don’t… you know, explore. I wanted you to just like… I’m not sure what I wanted.”