We ascend a small platform where I take my place by her side, momentarily staring out at the crowd. In the sea of faces, I’m still somewhat at a loss. Though I am able to quickly locate Belinda in the front row, rocking an expression so murderous you can practically see the steam rolling off her skin. That woman would let a fucking song choice ruin her entire day. Her annoyance brings me a small level of comfort, though it’s short-lived as the priest clears his throat and the ceremony is officially underway.
Ninety minutes later, cocktail hour is in full swing as the self-pretentious wealth of the tri-state area work their way around the room throwing backhanded compliments at one another, subtly trying to show each other up.
Belinda’s on the war path, frantically searching for Daphne not only for pictures, but also to offer the same verbal tongue lashing she attempted to give me for the stunt we pulled. I say ‘attempted’ because she made it all of four words before I promptly took a page out of my mother’s book and told her to fuck all the way off.
Daphne’s absence goes unnoticed by almost all the other guests, though I am acutely aware of the fact that my brother has not been able to be located either.
Mav takes my hand, pulling me into him as his other hand caresses along my jaw. “I was right, you know.”
“About what, my love?” I chuckle as he dips low for a kiss.
“About you showing everyone else up. Nobody holds a candle to you.”
An unladylike snort escapes me. “You’re biased.”
“I’m honest.” Mav smirks before peppering a series of fast paced kisses down my neck, eliciting a fit of laughter from within me. “Have you seen your parents?”
“No,” I say with a shake of my head. “Not yet.”
“Be prepared.” Mav releases a sigh. “They are not thrilled with your brother.”
“Well, we’ll see if that’s still the case by the end of today.” My head scans the room, zeroing in on the door just as Daphne enters and starts making rounds to socialize, with Nicky following about ten seconds behind. He quickly locates me before making his way through the crowd toward us.
“Yo,” Nick greets us, planting a kiss on my cheek before giving Mav the pound. Yeah, I’m never getting used to that. “We got eyes on everyone?”
Mav responds with a nod. “Old man Devoreaux’s still posted up at the bar and douchebag Cabir has been eye-fucking your sister for the past ten minutes from the table behind me. You should commend me on the restraint I’ve shown when it comes to his eyeballs.”
“Dude, you don’t get to comment to me on restraint after what I just went through.” Nicky takes the glass from Mav’s hand, tossing back the amber-colored liquor before returning it to Mav’s possession.
Maverick stares blankly at him, his eyes shifting to the empty crystal, then Nicky, then back once more. “That was Macallan 40, Nick.”
Nicky grabs a passing waiter, tipping him a hundred while ordering another round. “Hurting for money, Mav? I’ll buy you a bottle for Christmas.”
“It’s not about that, fucker. It’s forty-year-old scotch. You sip that shit. Anything other is a fucking travesty.”
“Jesus Christ,” Nicky mutters, retrieving the fresh glasses from the waiter’s tray as he returns in record time. “Is this what becoming a club owner did to you? We have fights about scotch etiquette now?”
Mav and Nicky continue bickering as I eye them with a sense of levity. I attempt to follow along for a moment, my vision alternating between the two of them as each attempts to speak over the other, until eventually I relent and head off in search of my own alcohol. They’re so engrossed in their ridiculous exchange, I don’t even think they notice me slip away.
I’m quick to locate the champagne tower and manage to successfully avoid any ensnaring conversations that would otherwise derail my mission. Sidling up to the display, I’m careful to remove one of the glasses, turning to survey the room as I sip the bubbly beverage.
“Are you going to avoid me forever?” Cabir’s voice disrupts my solitude as he approaches from my left.
“No.” I maintain my gaze straight ahead. “I’m hoping you’ll die eventually and then I won’t have to go through the trouble.”
“Jesus, Joanna. I said I was sorry.”
“You’re sorry?!” I spin to face him, eyes wide with shock. “You’re sorry? That’s supposed to make it all better? The fact that you lied to me, slept with me under false pretenses. How about the fact you were literally assigned to me just so you could procure my ex-boyfriend’s estate for your boss?! But oh, you’re sorry, right? So that makes it all better.” I scoff. “Fuck off, Cabir.”
“You know what, Joanna?” Cabir squeezes his eyes shut on a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I don’t know why you’re holding onto this so hard. It’s not like you’re naïve to this world. I would think being immersed in it for as long as you have been that you of all people would understand.”
“I may have grown up around criminals, but at least they have honor.” I pin him with a look of disdain.
“Really?” Cabir arches a brow. “Honor? Is that what Maverick had while he pursued my girlfriend until you rode his face in a restaurant bathroom?”