We stand in the hallway outside the ballroom as Daph’s mother lines everyone up like the fate of the universe depends on this procession. Lucian and his brother, Stefan, are already inside waiting with the priest. I’m set to walk right before Daphne, and I am so thankful I get to be escort-free. I’m less than enthused for Daph, whose own father couldn’t be bothered to walk her down the aisle.

Each of the other bridesmaids is accompanied by two groomsmen. The last of which being Maddison, escorted by one of Luc’s old frat buddies and, of course, Cabir. He turns every so often to steal glances at me, though I’m sure to cast my gaze elsewhere each time. Maddison turns as well, eyes pinging between Cabir and myself, as though she can’t for the life of her understand his fascination. I don’t avoid her judgmental stare. I lock eyes with that bitch each time, watching her squirm as I ensure she knows I’m more than ready for a repeat.

Cabir finally caves, succumbing to whatever desire he has to speak with me. “You look stunning.”

“Well,” Maddison speaks low, though not low enough. “That’s easy I guess when the bride has your dress custom made while the rest of us wear something from a collection.”

“Best believe I can still throw a punch in this custom dress,” I remind her, a small smirk gracing my face as she tenses at my threat.

“Fuck, that’s hot,” the dipshit on her left whispers, turning back to extend his hand to me. “I’m Devon. And you are?”

“Jesus Christ,” Maddison mutters to herself in disbelief, shaking her head.

“Taken,” I reply, making no move to accept his handshake. “So very taken.”

Music starts filtering out of the ballroom just as the doors open, allowing the first trio to make their way down the aisle. The doors close after each set of the bridal party passes through, until suddenly it’s my turn.

Daphne’s mother bids her a quick goodbye as she scurries off through an alternate door to take her seat. As she disappears, I spare a glance back to my best friend, my sister in this life. She’s staring down at her bouquet, a look of uncertainty marring her beautiful features.

I motion for the usher to wait, delaying him from opening the door. He smiles in acknowledgment, granting me a moment. Glancing back once more, a faint whistle escapes me, prompting Daphne’s gaze to snap to my attention.

Her head slightly tilts, questioning my intent when I suddenly extend the crook of my elbow. Daphne’s face splits into a wide grin. She steps up to me, looping her arm through mine.

Side by side, we stand a little taller, finding strength in one another’s presence. I nod to the usher, letting him know we’re ready to proceed.

“One moment, Miss.” He presses a finger to his earpiece. “I have the bride entering next. I repeat, bride entering next. Please cue up her music.”

“Your mom is gonna be pissed.” I smirk, relishing in the thought of Belinda Burke having a massive panic attack, yet unable to do anything for fear of making a scene.

“Oh, I know. About more than one thing. Trust me.”

I hear the band transition songs. However, it isn’t to the traditional wedding march Daph’s mother was insistent she walk to. A beautiful melody carries through the space, one that seems oddly familiar. It takes me a second to place it, but once the low sweet sound of a woman’s sultry voice starts singing, I realize it’s a cover of Unsteady by X Ambassadors.

Unsteady by Olivia Penalva (Spotify)

I look to Daphne once more, an expression of pride radiating from me in the presence of her defiance.

The corner of her mouth tics up into a devilish smirk as she offers up a single shoulder shrug in response. “Fuck that bitch.” She winks at me before gesturing with a nod of her chin toward the usher. “We’re ready.”

The doors open, granting us entry into the massive space which has been transformed by thousands of white flowers of various varieties. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think we were in a garden.

We make our way to the aisle, pausing briefly to allow the guests to stand. Jesus, there has to be over three hundred people here. I tighten my grip on her arm, reminding her I’m right here with her. Daph reciprocates my gesture, and with a final deep breath, we advance down the aisle.

I scan the various faces in the crowd, though no one really registers. My footsteps continue propelling me forward, as though I’m on autopilot, forced to deliver my best friend to the undeserving bastard in front of us. My resolve weakens with each additional step, my hatred for him threatening to overpower the trust Daphne’s asked me to grant her in handling this situation.

Daph doesn’t say anything, but I know she’s struggling too. Her pace has slowed ever so slightly, her posture the tiniest bit deflated. Just when it feels as though our strength has completely depleted, they appear, like beacons of light shining out to us as we drift in the abyss, slowly pulling us toward shore.

From the front row, they step out to the edge of the aisle. Mav on the left, Nicky on the right. My gaze unintentionally travels to Nicky first, somewhat thrown by the look I’m unaccustomed to seeing on his face.

His eyes remain glued to Daphne, his expression baring a look of pure adoration and devotion, and in this moment, it’s evident how completely fucking gone he is for her. Deep down I’ve always known, but seeing it so blatantly on display in this moment with my own two eyes has me on the verge of tears. My heart swells as his lips part, the words ‘Come to me, baby’ silently spilling from his mouth. No one else notices, everyone’s too fixated on Daphne whose own tears threaten to expel from her eyes.

My head swivels from her toward the front, breath hitching in my throat as my gaze locks with Mav’s. Warmth radiates from my heart, spreading throughout my chest as I continue to advance toward him. His face splits into a wide smile, the bright white of his teeth making a rare public appearance. With each step, the previous feelings of impending dread embedded in my stomach are now replaced with butterflies taking flight as the surreal nature of walking down an aisle toward him hits me with all the feels.

As we come to pass them, Mav reaches out, the back of his hand lightly tracing down the outside of my arm, sending sparks dancing across my skin. I risk a glance over toward my brother, who from this proximity I can make out the glistening swell rising within his eyes, which he’s fighting to contain. Dropping my gaze lower, I see him subtly gesture with his right hand, his thumb and index fingers first forming what looks to be an ‘L’ before switching to hold up three fingers instead—his middle, ring, and pinky. He ends the bizarre gesture by pointing to Daph.

Whatever he did may not make sense to me, but it has her coming undone. Any tears she was fighting to contain break free, silently spilling down her cheeks as we close the final few feet and I’m forced to hand her off to Lucian, who seems less than pleased by the exchange he obviously bore witness to.