I slide a hand under his chin and lift it so I can look at him. “I’m so glad you told me,” I say.

His eyes harden, and his body stiffens. “Don’t feel sorry for me,” he says. “I don’t want your pity. I’m not Cam.”

Ooh, ouch. That stings. I know he despises Cam. Not the fact that he was abused, because Henry is a kind man who would always help those in need. But I’d guessed he dislikes how Cam treats me and takes advantage of me, and now he’s confirmed it openly.

I don’t blame Cam for being the way he is because he’s been through a lot. But when it comes down to it, forgetting about his abuse, at heart he is a weak man who often takes the easy option, and who expects other people to sort out his problems.

Henry is a strong man with weaknesses. There’s a huge difference. He’s very proud, and he doesn’t expect—and probably wouldn’t accept—help from anyone. He’s a self-made man who’s come from a troubled background, and who’s worked extremely hard to get where he is. He has no time for people, especially men, who prey on others’ weaknesses, who lack self-discipline, and who expect others to solve their problems for them. I have no doubt that he thinks Cam is gaslighting me and trying to guilt me into staying, and he’s probably right.

I’m going to have to get used to dealing with Henry in a different way. He won’t want me to sort out his issues. He’s not the sort of guy to tell his girl everything that’s going on in his head. That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s keeping secrets, just that he doesn’t want to burden those close to him. He’s jealous and possessive, and a little traditional and old-fashioned in how he thinks men should treat women. I don’t think he hates Cam, but he definitely doesn’t like him very much. So if I’m expecting him to be forgiving toward my previous relationship, I’m going to be very disappointed.

Actually, I’m amazed he let me go back to Cam after our night together. I’m surprised he didn’t chain me to the bed and refuse to let me out of his sight.

Ooh. Mmm.

My lips curve up. He sees my smile and glares at me, and that just makes me smile more.

I get up, turn and lift a leg over him to straddle him, then sit back on his lap. Slowly, I slide down his thighs until our bodies are flush. He gives me a suspicious look.

I pick his hands up in mine. Then I move mine behind my back, bringing his with them, as if he’s restraining me.

“Want to tell me off, Daddy?” I ask, batting my eyelashes.

He lifts an eyebrow, and his eyes flash. “Are you making fun of me?”

“No.” I dip my head until my lips brush his. “Just acknowledging how it’s going to be.”

His glare vanishes and his eyes blaze. He tightens his arms, and I fall forward onto his chest with a laugh.

“You’re mine,” he says fiercely. “You hear me?”


“Not his.”


“I don’t want you going back to him again.”

My smile fades. He might be old-fashioned and traditional, but I’m a modern woman, and I don’t like being told what to do. My relationship with Cam is ninety percent done, but there are things we need to talk about, and I’m going to have to see him again.

But Henry has opened up to me today. He’s revealed how out of control he is in so much of his personal life. He’s learned that his father ran away because he didn’t want to be with his first family. His relationship with his brother is damaged almost beyond repair, and he can’t help his nephew. He couldn’t give his wife a baby, which stretched his marriage like a rubber band until it eventually snapped.

And he knows he can’t force me to leave Cam, and he’s having to wait for me to sort myself out. It must be killing him.

“All right,” I say softly, looking into his eyes.

His hands grip mine, so hard it hurts. “Do you mean that?”

I don’t flinch. “You’re going to have to trust me. Unless you want to bite me again?”

He blinks and then loosens his grip. Pulling my hands around to the front, he lifts my wrists to his mouth and kisses them. “Sorry,” he mumbles.

I kiss his fingers.

He watches me, unfurls my hands, and kisses the palm. Then he puts his arms around me.

I lean on his chest, snuggling into his neck. Cam is not a good cuddler. Henry’s terrific at it. Mmm… this is nice. And it’s not just a quick hug either; Henry sighs, but shows no signs of wanting to release me.