“I should go and get ready,” I tell him after a few minutes. “Gaby and I are going shopping.”

“It’s not even nine yet.”

“I have to get ready.”

“Five more minutes.” He tightens his arms. He’s not letting me go.

I smile and stay where I am.

Chapter Nineteen


When Juliette’s gone, I feel a sudden surge of panic that it’s going to be the last time we’re together. Despite her agreement that she won’t see Cam again, I know that’s unlikely, and it’s a horrible thought that he only has to snap his fingers and she’ll go running back to him. Maybe that’s unfair, but that’s been the case so far. She cares for him, and he plays on that, no doubt telling her he can’t live without her. I wouldn’t put it past him to threaten to take his own life if she left. If he does that, I’ll go and see him and save him the job. Fucking bastard.

Staying in my room isn’t going to help my irritation, so instead I head up to the hotel pool and do some lengths, then go to the gym and run for half an hour. I meet James there, who’s also presumably running off some angst, and Tyson, who’s doing his daily exercises to strengthen his lower limbs, and the three of us agree to go and get some lunch together when we’re done.

After lunch, feeling better now I’ve exercised and eaten, I head back to the hotel for a read—during which I examine the inside of my eyelids for half an hour—and then it’s time to get ready for the wedding rehearsal.

Before she left this morning, Juliette made it clear that she wants to keep our relationship quiet for now. She said it was because she doesn’t want to answer questions from the others about what’s happening, but I’m convinced it’s because she hasn’t yet officially broken up with Cam. She knows she’s going to have to do that if she wants to be with me, and she’s trying to build up the courage to do it, knowing he’s bound to object.

I wish Cam would realize it’s over and tell her it’s done, but equally I want her to be the one to do it. I want her to prove to me that she really wants to be with me, and not just because she’s afraid of being alone. Leaving a long-term relationship is scary, especially when you’re not sure if you’ll ever find someone else. Juliette knows I’m here waiting for her, but to make it work, she needs to be the one to jump.

I can’t fast forward things, though. All I can do is wait, and support her, and hope it all comes out in the wash.


Because we’re groomsmen, James, Tyson, and I head up to Brooklyn Heights at two to join Alex, Damon, Saxon, and Kip, for a quick run-through of what’s going to happen tomorrow morning before we all head up to the minivans with the rest of the family.

Alex takes me to one side and says, “I wonder if I can ask you a favor?”

“Sure,” I reply.

“Kait’s causing a bit of trouble,” he says, referring to his mother. “Just making things a tad unpleasant. So I wondered whether you’d be able to… you know… escort her a bit. Unless you’ve got yourself another date.”

“Nope,” I reply, silently apologizing to Juliette in my head. “Of course, I’d be happy to help.”

“Thanks,” he says, relieved. He looks anxious, which is very un-Alex.

“You okay?” I ask, amused.

“Yeah. A bit nervous. Dunno why.”

“It’s a big day for Damon. You just want it to go well, that’s all. And it will. He’s a lucky guy having you for a best man.”

That makes him smile. “Thanks, man.”

I clap him on the back, then head toward Kait as I see her leaving the house. She’s a movie actor, quite famous, slender and beautiful. I know she broke up with her boyfriend in LA a while ago, and she’s here on her own. Her divorce from Alex’s dad was extremely acrimonious, which was presumably why he said she’s been causing trouble.

I can see a couple of women nudging each other as she passes, and I watch her dip her head so her hair swings forward to hide her face. Feeling a touch of pity for her, I approach her casually and say, “I don’t think we’ve been introduced yet. I’m Henry West, one of the groomsmen.”

“Hello, Henry,” she replies, shaking my hand. “You work with Alex, don’t you?”

“At Kia Kaha, yes.”

“He speaks very highly of you.”

“Well, that’s nice to know. I’m here on my own, too.” I offer her my elbow. “Want to sit together?”