Page 59 of The Vampire Oracle

Theo… Beck was on first name nicknames with the vampire. I hadn’t talked to them about the secret they were hiding, but for some reason it didn’t piss me off.

It wasn’t like they were hiding a girlfriend. It was an oddly attractive vampire, though I wasn’t sure if they knew what he was or only Kier. I would talk to them later.

“Ahh, to be young and in love,” a heavy voice had me looking over at Theron.

He stood before me, wearing his tactical alb, split kilted and tight top with a white collar. He made being holy look like a sin.

I shifted, staring at him. “How long will I have to train with you?”

“As long as I say so. Good morning to you too, Psalm. Come along,” he said, turning on his heels. His black hair was up, pulled into a nicely done bun. He walked highly, nodding at any father we passed.

“So, are you just going to beat my ass like Kier does?” I asked, taking large steps to stay caught up.

Theron’s brows pulled. “Kier has a weird way of teaching. We are going to assess what you can do and what you can’t, then we will work from there, got it?”

I nodded. That would be better training than kicking my ass. I would get better at dodging and predicting, but it didn’t always work on me. This might stick this way.

“Do… you normally teach people?” I asked, looking up at him.

His dark eyes glanced at me, and I could remember the way he looked at me filled with lust. It was almost criminal to be in the headquarters and know what he was.

But it felt like a dirty little secret.


I fucked a vampire who is Father in the Oracle Headquarters. Not… weird at all.

And he fucked Spectre on her day off.

“I like teaching, have been since I was a level one Bishop.”

I bit my lip. I wanted to ask if he had always been a vampire, but he said he lived a while, so it was safe to assume, yet he was different than other vampires. He passed as a human very well.

Theron pushed open the double doors of the gym. Unlike the gym at the academy, this was full, and it was double the size. People were exercising, training, running, and using magic. It was insane how people were in the room.

“This way,” Theron said, touching my lower back. I stiffened, glancing over my shoulder at him. But he just moved to the ring in the middle of the room. Quickly the people in it moved, all for him. The Father. “Let’s see… Miren, would you like to spar with Psalm?”

The redhead looked up. She looked like she and her friends were sitting around for a bit, but she didn’t look sweaty.

I wanted to laugh. Miren? The fucker who couldn’t teach Alchemist?

“Of course, Father Theron,” she said, over sweetly.

Any signs of that laugh inside of me died. But I couldn’t understand why that pissed me off.

“Just a friendly spar, but don’t hold back too much. I need to see where you stand,” Theron said to me, sitting on the bench from outside the little ring setup.

Miren took off her sports jacket and climbed into the ring. I pulled off my shirt with one hand and set it off to the side. I was left in sweats and a sports bra. I worked better like this.

My arm was my skin color with tattoos all over it. I guess it was just more comfortable this way when not around my men.

I slid into the ring, looking up at the redhead. She was gorgeous, just stupid. If she had taught me alchemy, I probably wouldn’t hate her as much as I do now.

“Heard you’re Spectre. The famous phantom vampire hunter. Cute,” Miren shit talked, and she wasn’t quiet about it, drawing attention.

I didn’t want attention. I wanted to train.

“A Rookie, a high-ranked vampire hunter? Cute.”