My mind wandered to Cozen and how much he grew in years. Just seeing his body and how toned he was, made my core clench.
Who else made me feel like this?
Though I didn’t trust the vampire, my core still clenched. I thought about his cock inside of me, teeth grazing my skin.
I shook my head, sitting up.
A vampire? Me? I hate vampires more than anything in the world. They took everything from me, my family, my friends. My safety. No way was I going to let a monster in my bed, again.
And Father Nero… Fucker had invaded my thoughts, the way he stood in front of me as vampires came our way to protect me. I was sure that he would have done that to anyone, but it still made me wet thinking about it.
My head thudded when it hit the back of the tub.
Look at me, lusting over 8 men.
The sun shined in my eyes the next day as I looked up at the headquarters building before me. It was almost blinding me, and though I had seen it before, the magic still wasn’t gone. I had dreamed of walking here and walking the halls like I was tough shit. Right now, I was still a Newbie; I was just shit.
Beck put me on his guest list. Osiris and Briar were already working while Abel was home visiting his family for the day. I suspected if I wasn’t busy that I would be there right now.
He insisted that I should meet his mother, but I’d never done that before. I had never even met my mother. How was I going to meet his first?
But he knew I had to train, so he didn’t push too hard.
The morning hadn’t gone like I wanted. Everyone was up and out of the house before I even had my morning piss. Kier was gone, and I suspected he had already left. Beck and I didn’t fuck in Briar’s car, though it got close to it. We didn’t want to be late, though I insisted that I could make him finish in a little amount of time.
He didn’t deny it.
Together, Beck and I took the long walk through the courtyard that was filled with fountains and seating areas.
“Oh look, there’s Kier,” Beck said, making me quickly follow where he was looking. Off the side of the building, Kier was lifting a heavy block over his shoulder. He dropped it in the back of one of the swat-style vans. He was shirtless, colorful tattoos on full display.
My eyes ran over the sweaty ridges of his body, unable to pry them away.
He must have felt my eyes because he looked up, wiping the sweat from his forehead. Our eyes locked, even from the distance we were at.
“He’s packing to leave?” I muttered to Beck. I was almost scared that Kier would hear and rub it in my face. But there was no way he could hear me from here.
“Yeah,” Beck said.
My chest tightened as I glanced over my shoulder at him.
Kier was still looking at me, eyes watching us until we went inside. They checked us once more, and then we stepped into the beautiful white marble lobby.
“Beckette,” a beautiful dark-skinned secretary called, heels clinking. It was the same as the one from before when Briar brought me here for the first time. “You filled your paperwork out wrong. Are you going to fix that now or have me waiting for that?”
“Fuck,” Beck muttered.
“I don’t like waiting,” she said, turning to go back into her office. “Hello, beautiful. I’m telling you, you could do better,” she said to me.
My cheeks heated up.
“Theo will be here for you in a few minutes. I have to go,” Beck explained. His eyes dropped to my lips, and I could tell he wanted to kiss me, but he couldn’t. He was my teacher after all. “I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah, have a good day!” I told him, watching him run after the secretary.