Satisfied, she pushed to her feet, and then put a hand on his chest, urging him back. Too sated to argue, he allowed her to turn him and push him onto the bed, and she purred huskily, “Like I said, I don’t belong to any man. Even you, big guy.” Just as quickly, she turned, grabbed her discarded clothes, stalked to the door, and left the room.
She heard him cursing, and a smug smile pulled at her lips. She should probably feel bad, leaving him like that, but she’d made her point. She pulled her shirt on, realizing that she’d forgotten her bra but didn’t care, and continued down the hall. She figured out her way back downstairs easily enough, and wasn’t surprised to find Glitch waiting for her. The other woman took in her disheveled appearance, and grinned. “I heard you’re staying,” she said happily.
“Apparently,” Saylor replied. Even as her feet hit the bottom of the stairs, she heard the thump of Jax’s boots coming down the hall above her. And they were thumping, which clearly proclaimed how pissed he was.
Glitch chuckled. “Come on,” she said with a jerk of her head. Saylor followed, uncaring as she heard Jax stomp down the steps, growling her name. “What did you do to piss him off now?” Glitch asked her softly, laughter ringing in her voice.
“He said I belong to him while I’m here, and tried to make his point with sex. So I blew him, left him on the bed with his pants around his knees, and told him I don’t belong to anyone and walked out. Guess he’s none too happy.”
Glitch burst out laughing and lifted her hand for a high-five. Saylor grinned back and gave it to her. “You and I are definitely going to be friends,” Glitch declared. “I’m going to use that the next time I need to win an argument with Code.” She led her over to the bar, and asked the young guy behind it for two beers. The kid nodded, his eyes slipping to Saylor curiously in interest. She ignored him, and instead focused on Glitch.
“So, you work with computers?” she asked, just as Jax stalked toward her. She didn’t even glance his way, and she could all but feel the anger coming off him in waves.
“I do,” Glitch confirmed, even as her eyes sparkled with laughter at the entire situation.
“You think you’re funny, don’t you?” Jax drawled, coming up to stand beside her.
Saylor turned and gave him a droll look. “I’m often told I’m hilarious,” she returned with a shrug, before her gaze moved back to Glitch. “Can I assume, based on the information you already gathered, that you’re a hacker?”
Glitch shrugged. “I’m a lot of things,” she replied cagily. “But yes, I can hack when I need to.”
In other words, she wasn’t going to tell her. Saylor could respect that, so she didn’t push it.
“You’re not going to ignore me, Saylor,” Jax warned her, clearly irritated. “We’re not done talking.”
“No, you are not done talking,” Saylor corrected. “I am. You’ve made your thoughts clear, and you have every right to express them. Much like I have every right to ignore them. Now, you got your rocks off, and I’d like to sit here with my new friend and have a drink after a very stressful day. You want to talk more about it, you can talk to yourself, because I’m done listening.”
His face was hard and his eyes glittered as he regarded her. The two of them engaged in a stare-down until finally, he turned and walked away. Saylor wanted to feel triumphant, but instead she felt wary. She didn’t think Jax was going to make any moves against her, but at the same time, the man seemed determined to make a point. As much as she desired him, she wasn’t staying, so there was no point in getting attached. If she had to keep him at arm’s length for the rest of the week, she was going to do that.
She looked back at Glitch, who looked positively gleeful. “Alright, we need to sit somewhere and talk,” Glitch announced with a grin. “Because I don’t know how you made him walk away, but that’s unheard of around here. I need your secret.”
Saylor chuckled. “No secret, but sometimes honesty is the best policy. Right now, I don’t have the time for men, so it’s best to keep it that way.”
Glitch chuckled. “They’re a special breed; they have a way of convincing you. But if anyone has a shot, I’d say it’s you. Now, let’s go sit down and chat; I’ll call Karissa to come join us. The others are with their kids, so for now you’ll have to settle for the two of us.”
Somehow that didn’t sound too bad to her. She much preferred talking to the women than the grumpy biker that was currently glaring at her from the other side of the room. Something told her it would also be less of a headache, too.
“Brother, you need to get used to it if you want her to be yours long-term,” Razor warned him with an amused smile. “When women get something in their head, it’s hard as shit to get it out. Your woman is just as stubborn as the rest of them.”
“She’s not my woman. Yet,” he added absently as he continued to stare at Saylor as she talked and laughed with Glitch and Karissa on the couches toward the back of the room. She had her feet curled up under her and her body aimed toward the two women, who were in the same positions. On the one hand, he liked seeing that she was getting along with them, but at the same time, he was pissed they were preventing him from straightening things out with Saylor. Not only about the two of them, but he wanted to know more about her ex and how shit got to be this bad. He had a feeling there was more to the story, but until he could get her talking, he would have to wait.
“Tell me why her,” Razor invited. Jax looked at him, arching a brow in question. Razor waved his beer toward the women on the couch. “What about her makes you want to finally give up your bachelor ways? Especially a woman you just met today? I’m not one for knowing I want a woman right away like Fury, but with Karissa, I wanted her so much that no other woman existed until I finally pulled my head out of my ass. Are you willing to give up every other woman for her?”
Jax looked back at Saylor, even as his mind processed Razor’s question. What was it about Saylor that had him so tied up in knots? Like his friend said, he barely knew her, and this wasn’t like him. He never cared about a woman beyond a good lay when the urge struck, and maybe the odd conversation if he felt like it. Nothing like this. Nothing like the deep obsession with the woman that was setting his guts in knots and making his mind churn in a dozen different directions. And after only a few freaking hours! That was what boggled his mind more than anything else. How the hell did one woman grab him by the balls so fast that he couldn’t figure out how to make her let them go? Or if he even wanted to?
Even now, he was pissed she was ignoring him instead of talking to him like he asked. But yet, it pleased him that she wasn’t afraid to stand up to him and tell him like it was. He had never been attracted to the shy, quiet type. Mostly because he didn’t need her crying at him all the damn time if he was an ass. Some would call that sexist, but he didn’t care. Everyone had their preferences, and this was his. If that made him an asshole, fine.
Here he was, though, back again to the same question with no answers. Why this woman?
Finally, he sighed and told Razor, “I don’t fucking know, brother, but I can’t seem to tell my head to let her go and keep on moving with my life. Even knowing that she might not stay, I want to lock her in my room and keep her there until I can convince her to give me a shot.”
Razor chuckled. “Damn, you got it bad,” he grinned. “Welcome to the club, brother. I felt the same way with Karissa, and I bet the others would say the same about their women. Doesn’t always make sense, but when you know, you know. Now you just have to figure out how to make it work for you, and how to convince her of it. Be prepared for a lot of headaches, though, because if she’s anything like my woman, she’s not going to make this easy.”
Yeah, he already knew that. And that should probably worry him, but as he looked at the woman across the room, all he felt was determination. She thought she was going to push him away, and he was determined to show her otherwise.