Page 26 of Triple the Danger

“You look like you’re ready to go over there and carry her away,” Ink chuckled as he came to stand with them. “From looking at her when she came down earlier, though, the two of you were already having a great time.”

Razor snickered. “He was, until she let him know she was only trying to prove a point,” he told Ink. Jax glared at him, which his best friend ignored. Typical.

Ink shook his head. “Man, I don’t know why you want to waste your time on one woman. Especially one that’s already causing trouble. I’m all for hot babes, but the crazy ones seem like way too much effort, if you ask me.”

“As someone who’s allergic to any kind of effort with a woman, why doesn’t that surprise me?” Jax replied drily. “When was the last time you fucked anyone other than a club girl?”

“Fucked a woman who came into the shop yesterday,” Ink replied with a careless shrug. “She was alright, but she gave sloppy head. Still, enough to get my rocks off, and I sent her on her way with a smile. She’s leaving town for some new job, so it was no strings, and I don’t have to worry about her causing problems.”

“You’re a pig, Ink,” a feminine voice said in disgust. They all turned to find Harlow with her lips twisted in a scowl, her son asleep in her arms. Steel was across the room at the bar; Jax figured they just got here, because the man was never far from his little family if he could help it.

Ink shrugged again. “I’m a man that knows what he doesn’t want and isn’t ashamed to hide it,” he corrected her. “Some women are okay with meaningless sex.”

“Sure, but you were only concerned about getting your rocks off and then not seeing her again,” Harlow reminded him scornfully. “I can’t wait for the day that a woman knocks you right onto your ass. It’s going to be hilarious to watch you eat crow.”

Ink scoffed. “Babe, that will never happen. I avoid entanglements at all costs, and that’s not going to change. But you can give ol’ Jax here some pointers about his new woman all you like. He probably needs them.” And with that, he was off and heading across the room.

“If he ever does end up chasing after a woman, I hope she makes him crawl,” Harlow grumbled.

Jax and Razor shared a knowing look. Ink would probably be the very last of them to change. He was so stuck in his ways, but none of the women knew the reason why. A few of the brothers did; after one too many beers by the firepit one night last summer, Ink had told them. Which was exactly why they didn’t push him when it came to who he slept with.

“Figured you two would have gone home to bed by now,” Razor remarked when Steel made his way over, beer in hand, and a bottle of water for Harlow. He smiled at baby Harley, who was watching his dad with a big grin. There were times that he was his father’s mirror image, with a hard expression and an unsmiling pout, but lately he’d been acting more like his mother with bubbly smiles and happy laughter. “Come see Uncle Razor, buddy,” Razor said, setting his beer down on the table and holding out his hands.

Harlow smiled and handed him over. “He’s the reason we’re back. He wouldn’t settle for either of us. I finally gave up. Hopefully he’ll sleep through the night after a little activity.”

Jax smiled at the baby as he grabbed at Razor’s beard and hair, enraptured. “I’m surprised. Normally he sleeps for Steel doesn’t he?” Jax remarked. “I thought it was Savage who was having a hard time getting his kids to sleep.”

“Normally Harley will sleep for Steel, but some nights he just doesn’t want to. So here we are.” Then Harlow snickered. “ Savage is the one who insists on trying to get the twins down every night by himself, trying to give Royal a break, but in the end they just want their mother,” she told him. “I think Savage is getting upset and a little hurt by it.”

“He’ll get over it,” Jax predicted. “They’re infants. Of course they want their mother.”

“Try explaining that to Savage,” Harlow laughed. “Now, if you’re content to keep him, I’m going to let him stay with you and have that male bonding experience while I go and have some girl time.” Then she went up on her tiptoe to kiss Steel before heading toward the couch.

“Your woman tell you anything else?” Steel asked him bluntly as he took another sip of his beer.

Razor snickered, then winced when Harley gripped his beard and gave it a strong yank. “Oh, she told him things alright,” he grinned. “But nothing to do with her problem. More like she wasn’t about to belong to him or anyone else around here.”

“You’re worse than the women,” Jax huffed, annoyed.

“Sounds like someone needs to grow a pair of balls and figure his shit out,” Steel drawled. “But if you ask me, she sounds like a lot of trouble. You sure you want to get involved with that?”

Jax glared at him. “She’s not trouble,” he tossed back. “She’s in trouble, there’s a difference. And if we want to talk about trouble, have you met your Old Lady? She’s as much trouble as the rest of them.”

“She’s nowhere near,” Steel scoffed. “Compared to Karissa or Glitch, my woman is a pussy cat.”

Jax rolled his eyes. “Why the hell are we discussing this shit?” he demanded, done with the whole conversation. “How about we agree that all the women are pains in the ass in one way or another, and leave it at that?”

“Is that so?” a mild voice asked from behind them. Jax shut his eyes briefly in resignation, while Steel and Razor both winced. They all turned, and Jax saw the women gathered there, all of them but Karissa looked majorly pissed off. Saylor just looked amused about the whole thing.

“And just how are we pains in the ass, Jax?” Karissa asked him mildly, her dark eyes staring him down and letting him know that he was about to be in a world of pain if he didn’t watch his answer. “Please, enlighten us.”

Jax looked at Razor and Steel, both of whom were standing back and letting him take the full heat. Fuckers. He looked back at the women and decided that if he was going to bury himself in shit, he was going to do it feet first. He looked at Karissa pointedly. “You tried pushing your man away and acting like some kind of hero to handle your shit on your own instead of trusting us. Not to mention, you tried to kick his ass multiple times. So, literal pain in his ass, in your case.” Karissa narrowed her eyes but didn’t disagree. He looked at Glitch next. “You wouldn’t stop pranking your man and acting like you were going to slash his throat at the least provocation. And if I remember correctly, you were also a pain in his ass when you were messing with his system constantly.” Glitch glared at him. He turned his gaze to Harlow, who just arched a brow. “And you, you didn’t tell your man, or any of us, about the problems with the club girls and just let them abuse you instead. So, while you’re not a literal pain in your man’s ass, in that instance you were, and you can’t argue it.” Harlow winced at the reminder. “So, yes, you are all pains in the ass at times. Would you like me to continue?”

Saylor let out a low chuckle. “You’re an idiot,” she told him when his gaze moved to hers. “Did you really just stand there and tell these women why you think they are pains in the ass? And you think they’re going to take that lying down? You’re going to be their next target, for sure. I’m almost happy to be here to watch it all unfold.”

Jax narrowed his eyes at her and gave her a sly smile. “Feeling left out, baby?” he taunted.

Saylor’s smile was cool and all but dared him. “I think you barely know me, and you weren’t complaining an hour ago. But if you want me to be a literal pain in your ass, baby, I’m sure I could find some toys around here to make that happen for you. I’ll even be nice and use some lube. You know, since you obviously haven’t had much practice.”