“That’s it, baby,” he growled, picking up the pace. He felt his control slipping, and his balls pulling up tight. He wasn’t going to last much longer but he wanted one more. One more time hearing her scream his name. He moved one hand from her hip to between her thighs, rubbing her clit hard and fast, and ordered, “One more, Saylor. Give me one more.”
A few more thrusts and a couple hard circles on her clit, and she flew. Her entire body seemed to light up from the inside out, and it was glorious to watch. His name came sharply from her lips, and it was all he needed to send him over the edge. He thrust hard one last time, spilling into the condom until he was finally spent, his breath coming in pants, his entire body buzzing.
Neither of them moved for a moment, until slowly, Saylor released the handle bars and dropped her arms, her hands curling around his forearms weakly, trusting that he would hold her up.
After another moment, she croaked, “I think I found my new favorite vibrator. I might need to buy one for myself.”
He let out a dry chuff of laughter, helping her to sit up enough that he could ease back and let her sit on the seat as he pulled out of her, while her feet rested on the top of his boots to keep herself steady. He quickly pulled off the condom, tied it off, and tossed it down beside her clothes. She watched him with a heated stare, but didn’t try to touch him again as he tucked himself back into his jeans. “Glad you liked it,” he told her as he stood up, carefully throwing his leg over the bike and then lifting her so that she could wrap her legs around his waist. “How about we take a quick dip to clean ourselves off?” he suggested.
“I’m not going down there without my clothes,” she warned him before he could take another step.
He put his hand on her back to steady her as he crouched down to grab them to hand off. “Good?”
She nodded, clinging to him with one hand and her clothes with the other. When they reached the edge of the pond, he stopped to set her down in the grass, making sure there wasn’t anything that might hurt her first. She glanced around, seemingly realizing how exposed they were. “No one’s going to walk out here on us, are they?” she asked carefully, before turning to look at him and freezing when she saw he already stripped off his cut and shirt.
He grinned at her as he leaned down to untie his boots. “Not many people know about this place, and it’s so remote we’ll hear anyone coming long before they get here,” he assured her as he straightened and kicked them off. She looked nervously back at his bike and the road, before she turned back and set her things on the ground next to his and then stripped off her shirt and plain white bra.
Seeing her fully naked, the golden light behind her making her almost glow, he felt his cock jerk and harden. He was still spent from their first round, but it wouldn’t take him long to recover. Only problem was, he didn’t have more condoms, so he was going to have to restrain himself until they could get back to the compound. Then they would definitely be going for another round. He wanted to see her spread out in bed, her hair fanning over the white sheets and pillow.
She turned and headed for the water, giving him a view of her firm, round ass, and he resisted the urge to run and grab her to take a bite of it. He pulled his gun from the small of his back and laid it on top of his clothes, and then pushed down his jeans and boxers before stepping out of them and putting them in the pile. He headed down to the water, cursing at the chill once it touched his feet. Saylor laughed and he watched as she continued in, clearly unbothered until she was shoulders deep. “There better not be anything in here that’s going to bite me in places I’d rather not think about,” she warned him with a wry smile.
He continued into the water despite the cold, until he was within reach and pulled her into him. “Nah, just some fish that probably got scared off the moment you stepped in.” He gripped her ass again as she wrapped her limbs around him. “And if anything bites, they’ll be going after me first since I have the dangly bits,” he added with a wry laugh.
She laughed too, smiling. “True. So tell me, how often do you bring your conquests out here?” She glanced around. “It’s really pretty. Who knew you were a secret romantic,” she teased.
He shook his head and regarded her seriously. “I don’t bring women, or anyone else here. I come out here to think or just be alone. The clubhouse is busy with so many people, our businesses, and the kids that have come along, that I need some quiet sometimes. And since most people forget this is here, I can come without worrying someone is going to bother me.”
She lost her smile and eyed him curiously. “Do you have to do that often?”
He shrugged. “It depends on what’s going on. Lately it’s once a week; before that, once every couple of weeks or even once a month.” He probably should have worried that he sounded like a wimp, but there was a good chance she was going to be gone, despite his hopes, and he didn’t want to hide.
“That’s like me back home,” she told him softly, her hand coming up to massage the back of his neck lightly, like she wanted to comfort him. He tried not to let it affect him too much, but it was hard when she did it subconsciously as she continued to explain to him what she meant. “There’s this little forgotten park just outside downtown and the only people that go there are the addicts or homeless when they want privacy or to avoid the cops. I usually go there during the middle of the day, when I know no one should be around, and sit on the bench to think and decompress. Probably not the safest, but it’s quiet, and no one is asking me a thousand questions about their website, or talking to me about random shit when I couldn’t care less about. Allows me to clear my head.”
He nodded. “I love my club, they’re my family, but with the new additions, it’s a lot sometimes. I love it when I’m there, but there are times I just can’t take the noise and need some quiet, so I come here.”
She gave him a knowing smile. “I saw it when everyone converged on the apartment. They’re loud, wonderful, but overwhelming.” She sobered. “I hope they all know that I appreciate the apartment. I gave your President a hard time, but I learned a long time ago nothing is ever free or done just for a good deed.”
A flash of guilt hit him in the gut, since it was true in this case too. They wanted to know why she was running, but he reminded himself that if she really insisted on going to a hotel, he would have taken her there. “Savage is used to getting some push back,” he assured her. “If you hadn’t, he probably would have been a huge asshole. As you can see, none of the men in the club have picked docile, quiet women.” He chuckled. “Much to Savage’s annoyance, but I don’t think he would rather it any other way. If shit goes down, he wants to know that they can protect themselves and the kids if anything were to happen to the rest of us.”
“Has that happened before?”
He hesitated. This was getting into territory where he had to tread lightly. “We’re a 1%er MC, so yeah, we’ve had issues in the past. A lot of clubs aren’t like us, that don’t touch women or children.”
She nodded slowly. “Sorry, I know you probably can’t talk about that.”
He shrugged. “If you were an Old Lady, I’d have more leeway with my answers, but I can’t.”
“Then I won’t ask.” She leaned forward to give him a quick kiss, and then pulled back to smile at him. “Besides, I can think of much more pleasurable things to do with our time here.” She rubbed herself against his now fully erect dick to make sure he got her point.
He groaned. “Baby, there is nothing more I’d rather do than fuck you again right now, but I don’t have any other condoms. Unless you have some in your clothes somewhere?”
“You don’t have any more in your saddlebags?” she asked hopefully.
He shook his head. “I cleaned them out this morning, and I don’t make it a habit to carry them in there.”
She huffed, and he could see her brain working. “I suppose we could improvise,” she finally said, unwinding an arm from around his neck to reach down into the water and wrap her hand around his shaft. He groaned and his grip on her ass tightened in response, making her gasp. “You’re so hard,” she murmured. “But what I really want is my turn to taste you.”
Like he was going to say no to that. He turned and waded back through the water to the shore, trying to stay upright as she worked him, rubbing her thumb over the head of his cock in a way that had him stumbling. “I’m not going to last if you keep that up,” he warned her gruffly as they reached hip level. The cool air mixed with the feel of her warm hand on his dick was almost too much. Every nerve stood on end, the sensation so high he had to grit his teeth and clench his muscles to keep from spilling all over her hand and embarrassing himself.