Saylor took the opportunity to attack the skin of his neck. “Then you better hurry up and put me down,” she whispered seductively. “Oh fuck,” she gasped, her nails dug into his back when he took the opportunity to slide one hand down her ass, along her crack, and then between her thighs, spearing her with two of his fingers. As he moved, she bounced on his fingers, and her hand moved faster over his cock.
“I think if you’re going to taste me, I want another taste of you, baby,” he said as he finally cleared the water and moved to stand near their clothes. He thrust his fingers into her harder and faster, but given the angle he couldn’t get as deep as he wanted. He groaned as she moved her hand over him, twisting enough to have him spilling pre-cum all over her hand.
“Hurry,” she breathed, releasing him, and then climbing down when he pulled his fingers out of her.
He couldn’t wait to get his mouth on her sweet pussy again.
His reaction was instant, the fog of lust that had been clouding his brain evaporating. He dropped to the ground, rolling them until he could reach for his gun. “Fuck,” he hissed, hearing the bullet land in the water with a splash. Everything sharpened as he lifted his gun, knowing he was crushing Saylor beneath him as he fired back in the direction of the shot. Thankfully that wasn’t behind his bike, but more to the right. “We have to move fast,” he gritted out. “I need you to grab your clothes, stay low, and get to the treeline. Okay, Saylor?”
“Okay,” she said in a surprisingly calm voice, despite her body trembling beneath him. She was scared, but she was clear headed enough to understand what he needed.
“I’ll cover you,” he promised. Another shot sounded, and just missed him as he ducked down and cursed again. “Motherfucker. Alright, we need to go. Now.” He was up and returning fire, emptying his clip as Saylor hastily grabbed their clothes and ran for the trees, keeping low. He followed behind, uncaring that he was buck-assed naked. He needed to keep Saylor safe, and he needed to call his brothers for back-up.
Once they managed to get into the treeline without being shot, Saylor quickly started to dress. Jax grabbed his phone from his pants pocket and called Savage. “Shooter at the Field’s Old Pond,” he barked into the phone. “Need back-up.”
“On our way,” Savage instantly replied, and the call ended.
“They’re coming,” Jax assured her as he hurriedly grabbed his jeans to pull them on while keeping all his senses tuned for the shooter in case he was trying to circle around.
“Jax…” Saylor said, drawing his gaze. There was something in her expression. Guilt? Fear? Both? He couldn’t decide, but he’d figure it out later. Right now, there were more pressing matters.
They both stilled, however, when a pissed off voice screamed across the clearing, “I want that book, Saylor, and if you don’t give it to me, I’ll kill you and this piece of biker trash.”
Jax’s gaze whipped back to her, and he watched as grim determination overtook her face. Clearly the shooter wasn’t aiming at him, but at her. Looked like whatever she was running from caught up with her.
She couldn’t look at Jax as she quickly finished dressing. She could only focus on Leon’s voice as it boomed through the clearing to reach them. “Fuck you, Leon,” she yelled back, unable to stop herself. “I should have punched you a hell of a lot harder.”
Jax pulled on his shirt and boots before he checked his gun, but he cursed, and she realized he was out of bullets. A tendril of fear started to unfurl in her gut, but she forced herself to ignore it. She needed to keep her head clear. Jax called for the club, and she knew they would come. They just had to survive until then.
“You’re going to fucking pay for that, cunt,” Leon screamed back, clearly incensed at the reminder. “You got a lucky shot.”
“A lucky shot?” she tossed back with a clear sneer in her voice. “Does your boss know that he’s hired a pussy to be his enforcer? I mean, can you even do your job, or do you just gamble away all his money?” She knew she was pushing him, but she couldn’t seem to stop the words from leaving her mouth. She was so pissed. Pissed he hit her, pissed he forced her out of town, and pissed he shot at her. Not to mention, pissed he denied her another amazing orgasm. That wasn’t at the top of her list, but it was definitely up there.
“Boys are about ten minutes out,” Jax whispered quietly. “We need to stay alive until then. Don’t antagonize him too much, but keep him talking so we can tell if he’s trying to sneak around and flank us.” His gaze was intense as he looked at her, and she gave him a curt nod.
“Your biker won’t be able to protect you forever, Saylor,” Leon called out in warning, and she instantly knew he was moving. Jax nodded as he turned his body toward the sound, watching the trees with an intensity that both worried and reassured her.
“I don’t need a man to protect me,” she called back, also turning toward the sound.
“You think because you can fight with those pretty boys at your stupid gym, that means you can take me on?” Leon sneered. “You won’t last two seconds when I put my gun to your empty head.”
“Really? A dumb blonde joke?” she huffed angrily. “Couldn’t think of anything original, huh? Just as pathetic as ever, Leon. If anyone should be blonde, it’s you. Who the fuck carries around a book to record all the cheating he does at casinos, and a list of who owes debts? If anyone is dumb, it’s you, fucker.”
A shot fired toward them, and Jax took her to the ground. She managed to control her groan at the brunt landing on the rough turf, but glared at Jax. He didn’t even look her way, his eyes scanning the area. His head whipped around to the clearing, and she turned her head to follow his. There was Leon standing at the edge of the trees, his gun drawn and pointed their way, his face flushed red with anger.
“We need to move,” Jax whispered, so softly she almost didn’t hear him. She looked up at him and saw the hard set of his jaw. “Keep low and try not to make any noise. There’s a big tree less than a yard behind us, and we need to get behind it so we’re not an easy target. Okay?”
She nodded. He eased off her, and she was surprised with how stealthily he moved at his size. He jerked his chin to indicate for her to get moving, and she quickly rolled to her belly and started to crawl along the ground. She bit back a curse when the edge of a twig jammed into her hand, and she knew that was going to sting when she stopped moving. In the meantime, she listened to Leon scream at her from across the clearing. He really was unhinged.
“All of this is your fucking fault, you fucking whore,” Leon raged, sending another bullet flying, this one landing closer to where they had been. “Frankie almost killed me when he found out, and if I don’t want to end up actually dead, I need that book back. So you’re going to give it to me, and then I’ll kill you, and you won’t be anyone’s problem ever again.”
“You really need to pick better boyfriends, sugar,” Jax whispered as they finally managed to reach the tree and move behind it. It was so wide they could both take cover relatively comfortably. Jax peered out around one side, keeping his gun at the ready. She found that odd, considering he had no bullets.