Page 18 of Triple the Danger

“Clearly,” she muttered. “Though, in my defence, he’s the first one to be this nuts. The others were pissed I was more ‘manly’ than them and didn’t need them.”

Another loud bang sounded from Leon’s gun as he continued to move around. “Get the fuck out here, Saylor, or I’ll kill the son of a bitch biker that you seem to want to sully yourself with.”

“Sully?” Jax scoffed. “Who the fuck does this asshole think he is?” Saylor rolled her eyes. “Don’t reply to him anymore so he can’t figure out where we are. My brothers will be here soon. You good?”

“I’m good,” she assured him, and she could admit that she was immensely grateful he was with her. She could take care of herself, but if she was alone, she wouldn’t be able to get out of this without Leon spotting her somehow.

They heard Leon moving through the field, still cursing and screaming that he wanted her to show herself. She and Jax waited, at the ready if they had to move deeper into the forest. “I wish like fuck I could get to my bike,” Jax muttered. “I have more ammo in my saddlebags, but I can’t risk him seeing me. The last thing I need is him hitting my fucking bike.”

“Saylor!” Leon screamed, incensed she wasn’t following his orders.

“Seriously? He thinks I’m going to walk out there unarmed while he has a gun?” she muttered in disgust. “How the hell has he lasted this long with his boss?”

Before Jax could answer, another shot sunk into a tree far too close to where they were and had Jax covering her body with his, pressing her hard into the tree trunk. “Baby, we’re going to have a serious talk about your choice in men,” he whispered in her ear, still holding her tight. “Present company excluded, of course.”

Before she could reply, the sound of motorcycles rumbled in the air, foreboding and full of danger. She felt Jax relax slightly, and he peeked around the tree. Then he chuckled softly and said, “Looks like your ex is a pansy after all.”

She scooted to the other side of the tree and peered around it. She rolled her eyes as she watched Leon run for the trees on the other side of the clearing. “Fucking bikers!” he screamed. “This isn’t over, Saylor! I’ll get to you soon enough.”

Jax pulled out his phone and pressed it to his ear. “Tell Savage the guy is running into the woods towards the road. He’s probably got a car there. He’s armed, and still loaded, so watch your backs.” He paused to listen and then replied, “We’re in the trees taking cover. I used all my ammo.” Another small silence as he listened. Then he turned and looked at her. “What’s his full name?”

“Leon Bennet,” Saylor replied tightly. Guess there was no point in hiding it anymore. However, she didn’t relish what she was sure would be an inquisition when Jax took her back to the compound. She wondered if there was a way for her to sneak out before that. Then again, she doubted Jax would let her out of his sight. She’d have to wait for it all to play out and think on her feet.

Jax relayed the name and then hung up. “Let’s go,” he told her, getting to his feet and pulling her up with him. They cautiously made their way through the trees, stopping when they were a few short feet from the tree line, waiting and listening. Within minutes, the road was full of bikes, while she still heard others on the road, and she wondered if they’d found Leon.

Jax took her hand and pulled her out of the trees toward the group of very intimidating men watching them. She recognized Savage, Rogue, and Razor, but the others she hadn’t met yet. All were sporting grim looks on their faces, their eyes sharp. She held her chin up, refusing to let them intimidate her.

“Prez,” Jax said in lieu of greeting.

“Fury, Ice, and Steel went in search of the asshole,” Savage informed him. “We’ll get you back to the clubhouse. Let’s ride.” He turned his bike, and Jax headed for his.

“We’re riding faster than we did when we came here,” Jax warned her, his voice clipped as he climbed on and then helped her on behind him. “Hold on tight.” She didn’t have a choice to agree or argue as he started the bike and followed the others out. However, the minute they hit the pavement, she realized they were surrounded on all sides. If Leon was still trying to get to her, he’d have a hard time.

The drive back to the compound was indeed quick, and she held onto Jax tightly. Where the first ride was fun, and arousing, this one was the complete opposite. It was rushed, and her mind was whipping in different directions as fast and as hard as the wind hitting her face.

What would she tell them? Did Leon get away? What if he did and came back for her? What if these guys didn’t want anything to do with her and refused to fix her car, leaving her stranded? What if Jax regretted spending time with her at all? What would Mater say when he found out? Where was she going to go next? Would she be able to get some kind of car and get out of here is shit went south?

By the time they reached the compound, she was no closer to having any answers. Jax pulled up in front of the clubhouse with the rest of the men, and shut his bike off. He held out his hand to help her dismount, which she gratefully took, but her legs were jelly from the ride and she had to grip it tight to keep from falling. He didn’t let go of her hand as he climbed off the bike.

“Church!” Savage bellowed loudly, but when she went to pull away from Jax, he gripped her hand tighter, and Savage turned to aim hard, dark eyes at her. “You’re coming too.” Then he spun on his heel and headed inside with everyone else following.

Well, other than her and Jax. She dug her heels in when he started to pull her toward the clubhouse steps. He turned to look at her in confusion. “Why do I need to be part of this?” she asked. “I thought Church was a biker thing, and no women allowed.”

“It normally is, but since this involves you, you get a pass,” he replied. “Come on. Prez hates to be kept waiting.”

“And if I don’t want to?” she asked, still resisting.

His eyes narrowed at her. “You don’t have much of a choice, sugar,” he told her calmly, but there was a thread of steel in his voice. It immediately put her back up. “Your ex was just shooting at us, which means we have questions. So, you can walk in there and tell us what the hell is going on, or I can drag you in there. Your choice.”

She chose silence. She wrenched her hand from him, turned on her heel and started to stalk away. Jax was on her in seconds, and she let out a cry of outrage when he gripped her around the waist, spun her around, and then hoisted her over his shoulder all in one smooth motion. She struggled, trying to get free, but he brought his hand down hard on her ass, making her still. “Cut it out,” he ordered her.

“I’m going to kill you,” she warned him darkly, bracing her hands on his back and trying to lift her head to see. The problem was her hair falling in front of her face.

“You can try after you tell us what the hell is going on,” he returned calmly, and she heard a door slam. Next thing she knew, she was right side up, and she had to whip her hair out of her face. She realized quickly that she was in their Church, everyone watching her with cool expressions.

She looked behind her and saw Jax standing there like an immovable wall. Infuriated that he manhandled her like that, she spun around and brought her knee up, making him choke and curl forward with an agonized groan as he cupped himself. “I don’t give a fuck if you did fuck me, don’t manhandle me again. I went easy on you this time, but next time I’m liable to beat your ass to a pulp,” she hissed at him. Then she turned back to the room, and she saw a few of the men trying not to laugh, while a few others looked like they weren’t sure if they should be impressed or annoyed. “And I don’t give a damn who you are,” Saylor added, staring straight at Savage. “You don’t get to order me around. I’m not part of your club, I’m a client of the garage, nothing more.”

“You brought trouble to our door,” Savage returned tightly, eyes narrowed. “I think that makes you our problem, doesn’t it?”