Page 19 of Triple the Danger

“I didn’t bring it to your door purposely,” she replied coldly. “It’s been following me, and you all insisted on keeping me around. He followed us to the pond, he didn’t make an attempt here on your grounds. So your reasoning is shit.”

“He shot at one of us, so that now makes it our problem,” Rogue tossed back, clearly getting annoyed with her. She assumed that since he and the other guys were here, they didn’t catch Leon. Pity.

“He shot at me,” she repeated again. “Jax is an innocent bystander at this point. So, since this is my problem, I’m going to get my car, and I’m going to go into town. Then you won’t have anything to concern yourselves with.”

“You’re not going anywhere,” Savage barked when she started to turn around. She ignored him and headed for the door.

A hand gripped her by the bicep and spun her around. She lashed out, but this time, even with aching balls, Jax managed somehow to get both her hands and trap them between their bodies while also pushing her against the wall and wedging a leg between hers to keep her from kicking him. “Let me go,” she snarled at Jax.

“You owe me a blowjob for that kick to the balls, baby,” Jax told her, pain still coloring his voice. “But for now, you need to calm the hell down and listen. Someone is after you, and we are going to help you. The last thing you need to do is leave the grounds and give him a target. And with that crappy old car, you’re easy pickings because I doubt it would make it to town right now. So unless you’d like to end up dead before morning, you need to settle the hell down and listen.”

“Fifty bucks says that as soon as he lets her go, he’s either getting kneed in the balls again or punched in the face,” one of the men at the table joked. “Brother, you never tell a woman to settle down. Even I know this.”

Jax didn’t answer him and instead stared at her, unmoving. “You should listen to him,” she advised stiffly. “Let me go, Jax. I’m not one of your women, and if I want to leave, I will. I understand the risk, but it’s a chance I need to take, because I’m not going to lay this at your door. I’m going to get my stuff and go.”

“Jesus Christ, I’m tired of all these women with hero complexes,” Savage muttered. “Saylor, we’re going to help you, so stop fighting, sit your ass down, and talk. You and Jax can sort out your shit later.”

Saylor turned her head to glare at the President. “And if I don’t?”

“Then I’ll tie your ass up and put you in our basement until you do,” Savage threatened.

“Oh, sure, that will work,” a feminine voice drawled sarcastically, filling the space. Everyone froze and looked around but saw no one.

“Glitch,” Code suddenly warned, staring at his screen. Savage’s entire face looked like he was ready to have a coronary, and any other time, Saylor would be amused. Right now, she was pissed and panicked. What if they did keep her here? What if Leon tried to get on the grounds and go after one of the kids or the other women? He was stupid enough to try it. She couldn’t live with that.

“Glitch, I told you to stay the fuck out of Church,” Savage snapped, moving his chair to glare furiously at Code’s computer screen.

“Yes, yes, I know,” Glitch replied flippantly. “And I’ve been good about it until now. But honestly, you’re going to want to hear what I just found, and since Code was ignoring my messages, desperate times call for desperate measures. And you’re going to pay for that, caveman, when we’re alone.”

“Your weird ass foreplay needs to wait,” Savage told her. “Do this shit again, and we’re going to have problems.” He gave Code a look that let him know he would be part of that problem. Code held his stare, unmoving and unblinking.

“How about instead of treating me like an inferior woman, you remember I’m also a member of an ally club,” Glitch reminded him tightly. “But this whole shit is going to have to wait. Saylor, I’ll personally help you leave later if you still want to go, but you need to hear some shit I found out.”

Saylor wanted to argue, but finally, she bit out, “Fine.” She looked back at Jax. “Let go of me.”

He slowly eased away, releasing her, but the cautious look in his eyes told her he was on alert in case she lashed out again. Instead, she moved away from him to the vacant chair near Savage, crossing her arms over her chest and looking at Savage impatiently. Jax grumbled something she didn’t make out as a few of the men shifted and moved so he could sit next to her. She didn’t even glance his way, her gaze completely focused on the man at the head of the table looking like he was ready to ban all women from his clubhouse.

“Go ahead, kitten,” Code prompted. A couple of brothers made gagging sounds at that, but Code flipped them off.

“Turns out that you have not one person after you, but three,” Glitch announced grimly.

Saylor’s entire body jerked at that information. “What? How the hell could you know that?”

“Since you don’t know me, I’m going to ignore that insult,” Glitch sniffed. “But let’s just say it’s my job to know. You have Leon Bennet, abusive ex and terrible marksman, which you already know. But his boss, Frank Dunn, has also sent out someone after you. They haven’t quite caught up to you yet, but your name and picture have been flagged on the dark web by a man named Felix Hawkins, who happens to be our man Frank’s right-hand man and the one Mr. Bullseye actually reports to. Clearly, he doesn’t believe Leon can get the job done himself. I managed to hack ol’ Felix’s phone, and there are messages that show Frank wants Felix to deal with you and Leon, along with getting the information back that you stole.”

“I’d never have taken them if I’d known,” Saylor huffed. “Maybe I should just ship them back to him from an unknown address and end this whole thing.”

“Always a possibility, but that won’t help get the unknown third guy off your ass,” Glitch warned. Suddenly, an image appeared on the large screen at the front of the room, and Saylor winced when she realized it was a recording of when someone shot at her a few weeks ago. Jax stiffened next to her as he watched it. She ignored him, still pissed at him.

“Where was this?” Fury asked, but his question was aimed at Saylor.

Saylor wanted to keep her mouth shut on principle since she didn’t owe them an explanation, but at this point, was there any use in keeping silent when everything was being laid out right in front of her? “A couple weeks ago, in a small town in Florida,” she replied calmly. “They missed, and I got in my car and kept on driving. I assumed it was Leon, since he’s a terrible shot.”

“That wasn’t a terrible shot,” Rogue corrected darkly. “That almost hit you. It was only inches off. If your ex tried that, he’d probably have gone wide or hit someone else. Whoever made that shot knew what they were doing, and they fully intended to kill you.”

A chill went down her spine at his words. She already knew she had been close to dying, but she had always figured it was Leon, not some unknown person. “Then who shot at me? You said that this Felix guy hasn’t caught up to me yet, so it can’t be him.”

“I’m not sure,” Glitch replied, her tone grim. “Unfortunately, the video I have of this guy isn’t good. Or, at least I assume it’s a guy. Anyway, I got him on a camera across the street, but the only thing I can make out is his hand when he holds it out with the gun.” Another video on screen reveals someone standing in a dark hoodie stepping out of the alleyway directly across from the cafe, lifting a gun, and firing. Just as Glitch said, the only thing visible is the hand that held the gun, and a small part of his forearm.