Toth grinned. “No, he’s welcome to take whatever time he needs. But I need to plan accordingly.”
Ivy relaxed her shoulders but kept a wary eye on Toth, as if she expected him to pressure Rami into battle.
“I dunno,” Rami answered. “I’ll probably need physiotherapy. But I can return to work in a few weeks, I’m sure. At least help out around the office and strategize. But it’ll be a slower return to the field.”
“Mmm.” Toth nodded. “Remember that guy you mentioned a while back? I wasn’t keen on the sound of him—Ghost or some shit?”
“Yeah, you didn’t like his lack of first name and minimal background.” In truth, Rami had been a little ticked at Toth’s hesitance around hiring the guy. But at the end of the day, their new team had been sufficient for the workload. Now, though... well, they’d need more manpower, and finding guys with the right training and approach wasn’t always easy.
“I’ll look at his portfolio again. Might be someone to consider.”
“Probably the only one to consider besides Lach.”
Toth narrowed his eyes at the mention of Savannah’s brother, Lachlan Carrington. “That might be an option,” he mused. “If Sav will allow it.”
Two figures appeared in the doorway before Rami could reply. August knocked. Gigi was close to his side, her arms folded across her chest as if she didn’t want to accidentally brush against him.
Ivy leapt from her chair and embraced her sister and then the two of them moved toward the window, their heads close, talking. Seeing them side by side would always be a shock to Rami’s system. On one hand, he knew instinctively who Ivy was. Would have no problem telling them apart even if they were wearing the same outfit. Yet the mirror image still jarred his nerves.
“Ouch,” August said, taking Ivy’s vacated chair. “I take it they got the bullet out?”
“Yeah, and it feels like they took a good chunk of muscle with it.” He tried to stifle the grumble. Being pissy about his banged-up situation wouldn’t help matters. Besides, Ivy had been through ten times worse, and if his getting shot meant her nightmare was over, he’d gladly take another bullet. “Did the cops find Todd?” He’d been too focused on Ivy to notice the snake slithering away.
“Nope.” August dragged out then. His gaze swung to Gigi. “She’s gotta go into WITSEC. Not happy about it.”
Rami’s insides roiled. “Who?”
August leaned on his knees and rubbed one hand over the other. “Just Gigi.” The words came out slow and pained. As if he couldn’t stand the thought of her being whisked away.
Thank god it wasn’t Ivy. Rami’s spine relaxed a fraction, but the thought of being separated from her had made him tense up, and now his shoulder throbbed as if a hot poker were twisting into his flesh.
“She’ll be safe.” Rami’s words were hollow. He didn’t necessarily believe that.
August lifted his shoulder. “Not my problem.”
“Seems like you want it to be your problem.”
August hooked an eyebrow. “Don’t make me regret saving your ass two days in a row.”
Rami curled his lip. If he weren’t so sore, he’d make August eat those words. But he sure as hell didn’t feel up to sparring. “All right. Why are they taking her?”
“The agents are waiting in the hallway. They’re concerned because Fernando’s death will incite more anger from the cartel. Who knows how much money and victims the cartel’s lost because of this. Todd’s involvement puts Gigi at risk. The FBI want to take her back home to collect some belongings and then leave immediately.” August worked his jaw back and forth. “New name, new identity. Slate wiped clean.”
“I’m surprised they don’t want Ivy in WITSEC, too.”
August shrugged. “It appears Fernando didn’t disclose the trouble you brought to the cartel. The FBI thinks it’s because you made him look weak—he’d want to hide that from his boss. But Todd was well known in the organization.”
Fresh anger vibrated through Rami. Fucking Todd.
August rubbed his hand over his knuckles. “This’ll be hard on Gigi. She can’t have any contact with anyone from home.”
Rami grimaced. Ivy was going to be devastated. He looked over at her and sure enough, her shoulders were hunched, her brow was worry lined, and her eyes were teary. His heart ached for her.
Ivy met his stare then touched Gigi’s arm as if asking for a minute. Ivy approached his bed and he took her hand. Her lip trembled. Rami shot August a glare, and his friend moved away from the bed to give them privacy.
“They want Gigi to go into witness protection.” Her voice was filled with both fear and hope, as if willing him to come up with a solution.
He squeezed her fingers. “I heard. I’m sorry, babe. But until things settle down with the cartel, it’s probably for the best.”