Page 103 of Rami

A pained expression contorted her features. “We’ve never been away from each other for more than a week or so. Other than when I was...” She cleared her throat. “I just—I can’t fathom not talking to her. Not knowing if she’s safe.” Her lip trembled. “They told her it could take months or even years before they make arrests or they’re certain the cartel isn’t after her.”

Rami brought her hand to his lips. “They’re right. We still need to be careful. The good thing is that the cartel isn’t interested in you. They’ll be searching for Todd—”

“I’m not worried about me.”

“I know. Let’s look at it this way—right now, things are still volatile. I promise I’ll do everything in my power to make sure she’s not hidden away for years. But considering everything that happened, we’re all lucky to be alive.”

She closed her eyes, and tears trickled through her eyelashes. His chest constricted with the need to take away her sadness, to make everything right in her world, but on this, his hands were tied.

Ivy let out a shuddering breath and wiped her tears with the heel of her hand. His heart twisted even more. “It all makes sense now. Wayne told me I was collateral damage. He kept saying they had to make my family pay. I didn’t even connect the dots.”

Jesus, he hated what she’d endured. Hated she’d been so alone, expecting to die or be tortured any minute. The thought tore at his composure.

He’d do anything to erase what she’d been through. He couldn’t, but he could devote each day to loving her, to replacing the fear and anxiety with goodness.

“I’m going to say goodbye.” She went to her sister and pulled her into an embrace.

Gigi’s cries matched Ivy’s, and Rami cursed the fact that he was in this goddamn bed. That he hadn’t done more to deter the cartel. Maybe if he’d just gotten Fernando to take Todd and the hundred grand, they’d have been pacified and Gigi wouldn’t be in danger.

Gigi’s arms fell away from Ivy and she approached the bed, her hands knotting in front of her. “Thank you for protecting us. I’m sorry you’re hurt.”

“What, this?” He nodded at the dressing on his shoulder. “It’s nothing.” Letting his smile fall, he met her eyes. “You’ll be safe with them. We’re going to do everything we can to get you home and out of witness protection.”

Her chin trembled, and her jaw tightened to stop the movement. “Thank you.” She rolled in her lips and looked to the floor before meeting his gaze. “I hate to ask this, but...” Her voice dropped to a barely there whisper. “That money. Did you give it to Fernando?”

“No. It’s still yours.”

Relief washed over her face. “Can you keep it safe until I return? I don’t even know how I’ll get on my feet again. My business will be dead in the ground.” Sorrow filled her hazel eyes.

“Say no more.”

“I appreciate it.” She placed her hand on his good shoulder. “Take good care of Ivy, please.”

“With my life.”

She dipped her head, and when she turned around August was in front of her. Rami watched as he brought a finger to her cheek, murmured something, and backed away. A few minutes later Gigi left with the U.S. Marshals.

Ivy returned to the side of his bed. She took one of his hands in both of hers and brought her cheek to their joined hands. “I love you,” she said.

He pulled her close to his good side and kissed her temple. “I love you, too.”

He’d make it his life’s mission to bring her happiness. She’d been through too much pain, and temporarily losing her sister would be an added weight on her slender shoulders. A weight he’d move heaven and earth to lift.

She smiled. “It’ll be hard, but as long as she’s okay, I know we’ll get through this.”

“That’s my girl.”

She chuckled. “When can we go home? I can’t wait to just get settled with you. I thought more about what you said. I want to move in immediately—if you’ll have me.” She sniffed, and a smile broke through the wall of tears in her eyes. “I can’t imagine going a day without you. And this has nothing to do with Gigi leaving. I want to be with you every minute for the rest of my life.”

Happiness swelled inside his chest like an inflating balloon. Ivy had done more than bring him joy—she’d brought back a piece of him that he’d thought had died a long time ago.

His heart.

He moved his thumb over her bruised cheekbone. “I’d have it no other way.”


Ivy pinched the phone between her ear and shoulder as she took the stack of mail from the mailbox. A breeze stirred the October air. The trees lining the street and the property were already starting to show off their vibrant fall colors and in a couple of weeks, the scenery would be gorgeous. She’d be booked solid for fall sessions.