Page 101 of Rami

August moved toward them from the stairs. His gaze had been intent on Gigi. Ivy made a mental note to find out what that was about. Right now, Rami needed medical attention.

Todd got to his feet and stumbled down the hall. For an instant, Ivy’s gaze landed on his retreating back, but she couldn’t be bothered with him.

Rami’s attention stayed riveted on her face, as though he wanted to carve her into his memory. He stumbled a bit, and fear chomped down on her heart.

“Ambulance is on the way,” Toth said, from just outside the house. Sirens screeched in the distance, confirming his words. “You okay?” Concern weighed down his voice.

Ivy gripped Rami’s arm with both hands. “You need to sit.” She tried to steer him toward a bench against the far wall, but he didn’t allow her to pull him an inch.

“It’s fine, babe.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to his uninjured side. Dipping his nose to her hair, he brushed his lips over of her ear. “Hurts like a bitch, but it’s not serious.”

“You’ll need surgery,” she protested.

“And it’ll suck. But all that matters is that you”—he nodded toward Gigi—“and your sister are safe.” He found Gigi’s eyes. “You okay?”

She nodded. “Fine.”

The wails became deafening. Moments later, police rushed on to the scene shouting orders and demanding they all raise their hands.

Ivy lifted her arms skyward while waving at one of the paramedics. “Over here!”

The police swept the scene like a tactical, skilled group of ants, moving along the halls and stairs. “Clear!” they shouted in each room.

An officer approached Gigi. Ivy watched as her sister melted into a tearful mess and explained Todd’s involvement with the cartel. August stood awkwardly near Gigi. He didn’t touch her. Didn’t reach for her. But Ivy got the sense he was devoted to her well-being. Which was great because she couldn’t leave Rami’s side.

Ivy caught Gigi’s eye. “We’re going to the hospital. Will you be okay?”

Gigi pulled her arms tight around her waist and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll get an Uber and meet you there.”

“I’ll drive her,” August called, as he jammed his hands into his pockets.

Gigi looked ready to protest but Ivy ignored her and stared at August. “Please watch over her.”

He gave one nod. “Promise.”

She smiled and went outside with Rami and the paramedics. For whatever reason, Gigi wanted distance from August, but it didn’t matter. Ivy was certain he’d protect her sister with his life, and that was all that mattered. Ivy turned all her attention to Rami as he got into the back of the ambulance. He sat on the stretcher, his shoulder forward so he wouldn’t agitate the wound. She squeezed in beside him and he held tightly to her hand.

She tried not to focus on the loss of color in his cheeks, his dry lips. The paramedic scooched in beside her and leaned Rami forward so he could apply dressing to the wound. Ivy winced. The dark hole in his back oozing blood looked like something out of a horror movie.

Her stomach flipped, and she pressed her knuckles to her lips.

Rami’s thumb ran over the back of her hand. “I’m okay,” he assured her.

Doubt wormed its way inside her—he looked anything but okay. She forced a shaky smile as they took off toward the hospital.


Rami’s shoulder began to ache and throb. The local anesthetic was wearing off. At least he hadn’t been put out for the surgery. But the pins-and-needles feeling in his tissue made him wince.

“Pearl has a bunch of meals made for you,” Toth said with a knowing grin from the chair on Rami’s left. “Says she’ll bring them over later.”

Rami smirked. “I swear she loves it when we get sick or hurt so she can baby us.”

Toth nodded as he laced his fingers together, his mind clearly elsewhere now. “I know it’s a little early to say, but how much time off will you need?”

Ivy’s sharp tsk from the seat at the other side of the bed made Rami chuckle.

“You can’t seriously expect him to get back on the job anytime soon.”