If the rogues were smart, they’d come out early tonight, find their prey and watch or distract them until it was time. Technically, they could have attacked from the moment the moon had risen this afternoon. But the strength of their bites and venom, that magic that caused the transition, was strongest at the moon’s highest point. So, it was unlikely they’d take any chances. Unless they were desperate.
I had to admit, I think we’d strategized quite well. But tonight would also be about learning for the Knights. Observing and gathering intel on the way the rogues truly moved and operated. Seeing them in action and then from there, strengthening our plans and processes for the upcoming full moons. This would be our first night actively engaging with the enemy since piecing together the unified front. And we were fairly sure we would be facing them, based on Amelia’s update provided to us earlier today.
Honestly, I was growing bored and impatient waiting for something interesting to happen. The sounds of snapping twigs from our own feet and the scurrying of small wild creatures were driving me a little insane. Luckily, I had my girl to keep me entertained.
Zander had gone up ahead, using his doggy senses to scan the area and see if he could pick up any unusual scents.
So, it was just Venus and me at the moment, alone in the woods at night.
There was enough light from the glowing full moon above that she would have been able to see quite clearly. Whether she realised it or not, her eyesight was better than an average human. I, on the other hand, could see like it was day when I switched to my Sight.
Keeping her close, I had an eye on her at all times, watching her steps as we picked through the forest. I was thankful that the brush in this section wasn’t too thick, giving her ample room to move about between trees while also letting that moonlight illuminate most of the space around us.
Still, I didn’t pass on the excuse to touch her at every possible opportunity. Helping her over a branch or directing her to a different path with my hand on the small of her back.
Minus a few curious looks, she didn’t fight me on it either. So I did it more.
“Lovely night for a stroll,” I grinned, knowing that even in the dim lighting she’d be able to see the whites of my teeth and the silver of my irises.
She momentarily paused to side-eye me. But her body was stiff and taut, her trepidation visible. I wanted to take that edge away. Loosen her up. “I love these romantic dates we go on,” I added.
She scoffed, “What part of this is romantic?”
“Well, I could push you up against a tree and kiss the fuck out of you under the moonlight. Give you a little reminder of what you’re missing out on. That’s romantic, isn’t it?”
“No, that’s just you being salacious.”
“Ah. Makes sense. It has been a while.” I nodded in agreement, not bothering to hide my smirk. “Too long, if you ask me.”
“I didn’t ask you,” she clapped back. But even in the dark I could see the pink blush that spread across her cheeks and the smile she tried to hide.
I’d take the smile as a win.
At the indecent turn of our current conversation, she began moving away from me, keeping forward and putting space between us. I let her, watching her every step with the eyes of a predator. The girl had me enraptured. All I wanted was her. All I could really focus on was her.
And she was glorious in the moonlight. Luminous. Like a bright star, lighting up the way for my broken soul to find its redemption.
I leaned against the nearest tree. “I could watch your ass in the dark for hours,” I taunted. “Especially with my Sight. You should see the perfect view I have from back here.”
The frustrated shake of her head was clear in my vision.
My chuckle was near silent.
I was toying with her. And in my distraction, I completely failed to notice the wolf now creeping towards us, red eyes locked on the beautiful girl before me.
I was fast, but not fast enough when ill-prepared and the beast was now racing towards her.
I wouldn't make it in time.
“Venus!” My voice cracked as I yelled my warning.
It almost happened in slow motion: the lunge of the creature towards the girl that had all my attention. But she turned just in time, her senses taking the lead as she somehow deflected the bite that was destined for her.
Awe filled my heart, the emotion fuelling the pumping of blood through my system, so strong that it became my life force. She had the wolf pinned to the ground. This tiny girl that at first glance looked so unassuming. She was mesmerising as she dodged the fangs of the beast and reached into her pocket, pulling out the powder that she proceeded to blow into its face. The movement perfected with all of her training.
Within moments, the wolf’s snapping halted, and a sort of haunting quiet filled the forest instead.
Once I saw she had it handled, I took the opportunity to just watch her, my arms crossed and my mouth tilted in pure male satisfaction.